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Check Your Trailer Number Plate


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I went for a fish out of Parsley Bay on Friday had a good day with the flatties. Cleaned the boat when we got back, put all the gear away, good feed lifes great.

I get up this morning and my youngest son comes in screaming something, couldn't make it out. I finally get him to calm down and explains that there is no number plate on the boat trailer. I look at him with disbelief and go and have a look and bugger me it's gone. Someone pinched it at the ramp and they even had the nerve to put the 2 screws and nuts back that held it on. Boy there are some low people around, just what I needed a long visit to the RTA.

In short if your number plate is held in by screws consider rivetting it in with stainless rivets as this is what I'll be doing. Atleast this will make it extremely difficult if they try again.

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What IDIOTS!.I can't believe what goes on at boat ramps. On thursday night I went for an over night fish in

Botany Bay with some mates, When we got back to the boat ramp at Kyeemagh my mates driver side

window was smashed :mad3: , checked in his car and nothing was missing. We have a look around and

notice about 10 other cars with similar damage, one of them even had two of the doors open.

Man I wish I caught the !@##$#@ in the act :ranting2: .

Then again better I didn't.

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About time some of the money we spend gets spent cameras and more regular patrols at ramp carparks. Really sucks and I don't think it's kids.

Note to all of us to keep an eye out an also if we see another damaged vehicle to call the police as they obviously hang around and do others.

That's not the only ramp in the last week that has had stuff stolen.

Edited by pelican
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This particular ramp used to be quite bad a few years ago and was quite common to see car windows smashed, trailer rollers missing but the last 2 years has been good as I've see on a few occassions the police doing the rounds very realy in the morning.

It's a real difficult one to police as most of the ramp carparks are quite dark so cameras are not very effective. Not sure what the solution is ?

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This particular ramp used to be quite bad a few years ago and was quite common to see car windows smashed, trailer rollers missing but the last 2 years has been good as I've see on a few occassions the police doing the rounds very realy in the morning.

It's a real difficult one to police as most of the ramp carparks are quite dark so cameras are not very effective. Not sure what the solution is ?

Hey Spic , just out of interest which boat ramp was it, I noticed a rego plate at the bottom of Rose bay the other day at low tide, was going to fish it out when we got back but the tide had come in too far and I couldn't find it, just an idea, probably not yours, but you never know...

Cheers, Tobe

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The scum steal a plate but often move it to another trailer in the same ramp or go to another ramp and then swap plates on second trailer. They then have a clean plate and someone is driving round with a stolen one not realising , they will take the rego label off the second one.

Check the plate on your trailer is actually yours and the rego label as well.

Has been used to rebirth older trailer or sometime specific dumbier models.

I can see how they can do it but without inside help I don't know how they don't get caught as there wil be 2 trailers with same numbers which sold get checked at pink slip if it is a braked trailer.

Happens on long weekends as teh police are especially active on freeways with auto numberplate checking camera that highlights any out of rego car and car owners without lic .

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Hey Spic , just out of interest which boat ramp was it, I noticed a rego plate at the bottom of Rose bay the other day at low tide, was going to fish it out when we got back but the tide had come in too far and I couldn't find it, just an idea, probably not yours, but you never know...

Cheers, Tobe

It was the Brooklyn Parsley Bay ramp on the Hawkesbury river.

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These low life people will almost steal anything. I remember last year when someone stole my epirb from my boat at Penrith. Why someone would steal that as it is useless to them as it has been registered as stolen. No good if you set it off. Not only would you be rescued, but probably arrested at the same time.

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