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Port Hacking Land Based.... Jew, Bream And Flattie 9/04/09


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Hello All

Just spent the weekend in Dubbo so please excuse the late post.

My Brother in law and I had an evening of pretty good fishing last Thursday night. Noel started out a little before I knocked off work and headed out via kayak. Scoring the Flathead in the pic and a small Bonito (that he latter converted to Bream).

I started out after work meeting Noel at our spot and securing some more bait. We got a couple of squid and a few Slimies and a couple of Yakkas. There were also a couple of Frigate Macs that did a couple of flybys and made the bait school at our feet pretty nervous. Threw some 3inch bass minnows at them and only got one follow.

Not long after dark Noel started fishing cubes of his Bonito getting a number of Bream, undersized Reddies and plenty of bite offs from the Choppers that were out in force due to the near full moon. I was pretty single minded in my quest for more jew and only lobed out whole dead Slimies on heavier gear.

A couple of hours in, right on the top of the tide my rod went off. The first run was petty good but had none of the signature head shakes, had me call it for a ray (copped a ribbing for that one). Also felt the 20lb mono rub on some sort of structure out there that had me holding my breath for a few tense seconds. After that the fight was pretty standard with one more short run and the head shakes I was waiting for. Noel did an expert job with the gaff and it was high fives all round. The Jewie went 85cm and made two families pretty happy for Good Friday lunch.





Edited by camel
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