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Sydney Harbour 17/4/09


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Hey guys,

Took Mike (browney1) out on the harbour this morning was going to take Kirkby as well but he overslept as was at home when we were at the ramp.

Went after some squid and did ok picking up 4 before we were to chase the kings in this time i copped a severe inking on the face-see pics

post-6719-1239949305_thumb.jpg post-6719-1239949314_thumb.jpg

, hoping for some 80+ kings we went to our first spot and dropped a bait which of course was devoured by jackets and this was the story at the next 2 spots, Mike did manage to hook an octopus but we just cut it off, i know its good bait but cbf to deal with it.


Went and anchored at our next spot put out a couple of big squid baits and a couple of small baits for the odd bream/flatty, of course you can guess what follows......the king takes the 6lb outfit :1prop: was in for a bit of fun, it wasn't a huge fish but still gave me a run around for 10min or so including around the anchor rope. Finally got it up and in the boat and right on 65cm so had some dinner for tonight and a fish on the board.


Stayed a while longer, other boat had a couple of runs on light gear but seemed to be borderline legal fish. Moved back to our spot where we hoped for a bigger fish, took a while but we finally hooked one and boy did it run, absolutely peeled the drag, the reel screaming in pain :mad3: and after a few min and another big run it was gone. Devastated, the fish had a lot of power and seemed like it was 90+, managed to meet Vince (VA911) and Roosterman after their downrigger caught one of our lines, no harm done though and back to the fish. Plenty of good hits on other boats and hook ups but a lot of dropped fish but the ones landed were quality. Unfortunately we didn't get another chance at a big one but hopefully next time.

Great to be out there and put some faces to names.



Edited by Josh88
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hi Josh,

firstly,sorry again about the hookup we didnt realise your line went that far out....

good to see you eventually got into them and got past the pickers(they were pretty much most places we went)

thats a real goo effort on the light stuff well done...

me and vince were commenting about yr light outfits you were using and thought these guys are gunna be in real trouble as with the gear we were using we were still getting absolutely punished...

we saw that a few others congregated around after we left,did anyone else get lucky...

if you ever get inked and you want to get it out of yr fav gear wash it imidiately in the salt water yr fishing and its best i know to get it out.....

thats a nice rig ya got there as well...


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No worries about the rigger, we were using 30-50lb outfits even though it didn't look like it, i need to get some 80lb stuff though as i found out today.

Quite a lot of fish after you guys left actually, every boat there got hook ups, some landed most around 90cm mark but a lot of bust offs, seems to peak throughout the day with hot and cold periods, still good being out there and seeing the power of those more serious kings, i got too used to rats :1prop: needed a wake up call.


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Hey Josh

Sorry fellas about the poor effort this morning. Over slept a bit. Woke up at 5 and went back to bad, no excuses. Solid effort on the fish and bad luck about the larger king. Maybe next I will have my Monster mesh and saltist and we'll knock em over.



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ahaha nah its fine stevey,

next time mate.

Man Kingys go so hard! so devo that i lost him!

Should of used the guns a bit more mate :1prop: they might come in handy.

Edited by Kirkby
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Ah Josh .... what a classic set of photos :biggrin2: Good to see you took it all in your stride mate, and soldiered on regardless. Sounds like you fellas had an entertaining day on the water. Well done! :thumbup:



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Nice to hear that you managed a legal fish. I couldn't raise any squid despite 1 1/2 hrs of trying at three locations (that was me in the Quintrex who was hooked up to a small king on a sluggo at the triangular poles when you guys turned up there). Had some frozen heads from last time out but couldn't attract a king to them - only the dreaded jackets!! I spent well over an hour spinning for lizards yesterday too and drew a blank on them as well.

As an aside, can someone please explain how using 80 lb braid on rods that are designed for 20 to 30 lb line is going to help land more fish? Seems to me that you would need to be fishing with a broomstick and a much more heavy duty reel for there to be any real difference. Surely the 80 lb braid will part just as easily as 30, 40 or 50 does on anything sharp?

Like to hear some thoughts from others.



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Nice meeting you Kel, you were the only person i saw all day pull a fish on plastic but as i found out the last 2 trips, fresh squid is a must have if you want to be any chance of catching....sorry 'hooking' those kings, landing them is another thing.


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No one out there got any comments on the braid size question??


using line above the rating of your rod will only lead to heartbreak as if that big fish comes along


always stay within limits of your gear with line class/drags etc....

hope this helps....


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Kel - I completely agree with what your saying. There is no point running 80lb or 50lb braid if your not setting your drag any higher then when you are running 30lb. There is no increased abrasion resistance or any thing like that. I think your drag settings can be up to about 1/3 of the line breaking strain, but you need to ensure that your rod is capable of having that much pressure on it. So in short, there is not much reason in running 80lb braid if your only going to set a 5 or 6kg drag...

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Hey Mate

I am running a Daiwa Monster Mesh 3-6 Pe rod with a saltist 50 loaded with 80lb fins Braid. Now I know that the braid is stronger than the rod is rated to but I am only small so I wouldn't wind the drag upto 11kg and redline my gear. I would probably only go 4-5kg of drag.

But then again i am looking to sell the saltist 50 and get a 30 and run 50lb braid on that well within the rods range.



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Hey Mate

I am running a Daiwa Monster Mesh 3-6 Pe rod with a saltist 50 loaded with 80lb fins Braid. Now I know that the braid is stronger than the rod is rated to but I am only small so I wouldn't wind the drag upto 11kg and redline my gear. I would probably only go 4-5kg of drag.

But then again i am looking to sell the saltist 50 and get a 30 and run 50lb braid on that well within the rods range.



if you do have line above the rods rating just make sure drags are set light enough so that it gives line rather than break rod...

also be sure drags are good and not notchy if ya get what i mean...

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