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Best Bream Bait


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after some advice, i have no trouble catching flatties on plastics but dont have much luck at all flicking 4 bream, ive been taking a bait rod with me as well lately (set and forget) mainly been useing strips of mullet and still getting flatties on that but i was wondering what everyones opinion is on bream bait, theyv been getting quite a few good size bream in lake macquarie, iwas thinking of trying the skirt steak or chicken, ide rather something that stays on the hook a bit beter than say prawns especialy when im just setting and forgetting it.



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Hey Diver,

We have a place at Summerland Point on the lake and i reckon a killer bait is chicken gut. Its stinks an unbelievable amount, not really surprising, but its the goods. You get plenty out of a packet and its something different from the usual prawns if ylou can handle the pong. I fish straight off our wharf and the bream love it. I do what you mention and cast and leave and they hook themselves. If you are after plastics then i find the small bream smashed any gulps i put in their way but once i used a powerbait, which i believe doesnt have the artificial scent, i started to get more large bream. Not sure what they are called but like minnows but more translucent and slightly green in colour. Worked for me but not as good as that pungent chicken gut haha. Cheers Mike.

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How about this one Diver1, melt some tasty cheese and add some juice from a can of tuna, then add some cotton wool pulled apart into strips and add to the melted mixture, give it all a good stir to combine it all together.

Now take it off the stove and let stand for a while until it has cooled down, then sqish it around until you have a big ball or oval shape and put it into a container of some sort and just put it in the fridge.

Next time you go fishing take it with you and break off bits and mould it around a 2/0 suicide hook and you will see how the cheesy mix and cotton wool clings on, then watch the bream go crazy over it.

This is my dear departed Dad's recipe and we always got fish with it..


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I have caught some very big bream on steak soaked in a bit of tuna oil , you can catch more bream on other baits but if you want quality give it a go. The best bait you can ever use on bream in a river system or estuary such as the hawkebury or even Middke Harbour is squirt worms!!! they wil out fish anything else even nippers. You can usually find them in the far reaches where the water is almost brackish, just find a nice sandy area and they are normally there. In the haweksbury they are up around wisemans ferry and I have pumped them in the georges around milperra.

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I take a similar approach and soak lines whilst flicking. breambos really do hook em selves try not to wonder to far whilst flicking in case a big boy takes it, has happened to me in the past

Chicken strips coated in parmesan do the job well for me. Chicken is nice and strong which is what yo u want.

Peeled prawns tho are good but are lease durable.

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I absolutely guarantee you all,that if we fish side by side and the bream are biting you can use anything you like and I will use squirt worms and catch twice as many fish !!! not because I am claiming to be a better fisherman than anyone else, but squirt worms are that much better than anything else In my opinion.


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I havent chased bream for some years now, but when I use to fish the hawkesbury with my dad and his mate could never go past the good old yabbie. Burley up with wheat seed that has been left to soak overnight so its soft, use a running ball sinker with 1.5m-2m 6lb trace. In my opinion dynamite, we use to get on the water at 6am and by 11am we were on the way back bagged out. But over the years I have noticed the hawkesbury just doesn't fish the same these days.

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I find it I use different baits based on where I am fishing. In rivers and lakes squirt worms, yabbies, fresh or live prawns, live shrimp and small crabs are gun baits. When your using most of these baits there is a very nice bycatch of whiting and blackfish too.

Off the rocks, beaches, breakwalls and river mouths I prefer fish baits; fresh slimey or any of the tuna's are the way to go. Abalone guts off the rocks used to terrific too (but illegal now) and sandworms and pippies are also great baits especially off the beach. Again the upside of all these baits is the bycatch; jewies, whiting, flathead, drummer, snapper.

Some of the other baits like chicken guts are attractive to bream but not much else. But as others have said they'll take anything when in the mood so it pays to experiment.



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Guest Big-Banana

Depends where your fishing:

Rocky Foreshores - Live Crabs

Anywhere Else - Salted Striped Tuna

Taken Bream to 43cm.

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depends where you are fishing eg. If ur fishing dirtier waters like georges river and parra where its very murky then they take almost anything from chicken gut to fresh squid but if your fishing cleaner water like the hacking they are very very picky taking only the freshest of baits i have found also at botany bay you need a variety of baits as ther taste changes from da to day

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I'll have to agree with A.dawg there. When I go bream fishing I always carry a variety of bait. Usually carry plain chicken or some marinated with Parmesan cheese, prawns, fish fillets, squid and bread.

Occasionally the bream are very picky, and prefer one bait over another. I've also had bream preferring soft plastics over real bait.

But on good days, they'll pretty much take anything.

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how do i get squirt worms?

head to the upper reaches of your prefered river system where the water is still tidal but way too far upstream to find yabbies or pink nippers, almost into brackish water, find a nice sandy beach on low tide and pump away with a yabbie pump.


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