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Port Hacking


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Went fishing down at the hacking very early thi morning with a few school fds

They have never caught squid before and still havn't :thumbdown:

Sunrise I caught 2 medium sized ones and lost a really huge one to the oysters :thumbdown:

only had really light gear for bream and squid didn't even bring and lures other than squid jigs

Friends were unable to catch anytihng so they went amusing them selves on baby snapper and trevally of course all released with no harm

8am a school of birds were heading our way and right infront of us :1yikes: 3 monster kingies with a few salmon and tailor mixed in with them was feeding on the small baitfish Being unprepared they left before i could chuck in a peeled prawn with a #12 hook

But slimmies and yellowtail started coming in Which we got enuff within 30mins Then got my PB jacket :thumbup: 46cm

As we were leaving and packing up 3 Mac tuna's would have been a good 2kg each were harrasing the baitfish

My friend chucked out a peeled prawn on his Cheap kids rod with a tiny hook

Guess wut happens next...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2 minutes non stop finally reached the end of the spool and Ping!!!!

Loudest ping i've ever heard well bad luck left and headed home Friends were pretty happy with the feed as they have never caught anything for the table before

1 jacket 30 slimmies n yakkas

And 2 good squid each close to the 1kg mark

Well heading out now with The heads of the squid and some prawns trying for a jewwy

Will Try and get the pics up tonight after my trip and hopefully continue the post

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mate we were fishing at Dolans bay wharf last with night my son we got 27 slimy mac and hips of yellowtail . :thumbup: where were u fishing at lili pili baths? My friends were ther on the boat last night in front of lili pili baths they caught 10 sopy jew kept 3 . My son was so happy when his first slimy mac . goin back ther fishing on the boat tmw :1prop: cheers bangus

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Ohhh yea forgot Went down to baldface point had nothing touch it :thumbdown: only nibbles from small bream and tailor...

My camera of our catch fell in the water :thumbdown: But my friend did get em o his phone but they are really bad quility so waiting for him to send me it should hav it up 2morro morning

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Amazing with modern technology even though camera's not working the SD card can still be read

If you can see the mullet in this pick once we arrived threw down a few burley pellets and got this school ^_^ Also see the amount of weed around the area Very good Squid spot as long as there is weed and sand patches theres squid


Average slimmeys we get are between 35-40 This is my PB slimmey didnt measure him but would estimate him to be well over 40 and look at the fatness comparred to the baby :074:


Here are the squid


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