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Tasmania Last Week On The Trout

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Having just returned from Tasmania after a week’s trout fishing we are of the opinion that we have to rearrange our timing next year.

We fished Little Pine, Bronte and Brady’s lagoons and managed a few brookies and one nice brown.Then Lake Augusta and Botsford, at these spots we fished in 15 to 18 knot northerlies making fly fishing more difficult.

We also fished the Great Lakes at The Bee Hive and did no good there.

We toured around in a motor home as we did last year, this is a most comfortable and efficient way of travelling Tassie.

The fishing was tough with the brown trout being quite skittish, that’s not to say we did not catch any. The total was a dozen or so fish for 6 days and that’s just not up to Tasmania’s normal standard.

Both Gordon, my companion and myself fished hard, sometimes 8 hours per day and every fish caught, was earned.

The most memorable day was on Bronte Lagoon the weather for our entire stay was fabulous with temps at lunch time at 20 degrees this brought out a gum beetle hatch and the trout were feeding on the hatch.

We both caught a few fish on the dry fly (red tag) leaving us with a great impression as to how good Tassie can be, given the right bite. That afternoon was enough to bring us back to Tasmania being attracted like iron filings to a magnet by that few hours of fun fly fishing.

We also cast to tailing fish at little Pine without success but later on on the afternoon Gordon nailed a nice brown on the lee shore on a red tag fly.

Many thanks to Tony Jacobs fellow “Raider” for his phone call and tips on Augusta and Botsford. We can’t wait to get back to Botsford on a calm day and Polaroid some fish. This lagoon you can wade across and spot trout on the way, but when we were there the winds did not allow us that pleasure.

I hooked up a big brown at Augusta in very cold and windy conditions only to snap the tippet, probably from a wind knot. It was the best fish of the trip, maybe around 6 lb (the big ones always get away) We did not have a camera at times to photograph some of the fish but managed a few photos.

It can be difficult to go to a venue and jag the fish on the bite especially Tasmania at the end of the season.

We cannot wait to get back to this magnificent trout fishery but maybe a little earlier in the year next time

The season closed last weekend and the fish are probably in spawning mode and have other things on their









Edited by Ross Hunter
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Sounds like a great trip. I reckon just being able to cast to the tailing fish at Little Pine is great even if they are frustrating hard to hook. Did you consider trying Arthurs or was this closed?


Arthurs was open but very low Maybe it may have worked We caught fish there last year out of the boat Courtesy of local Shimano rep Paul Ellis. I guess there is only so much one can try in five days of fishing.

You are right casting to rising and tailing fish is pretty special


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Great report Roscoe. :thumbup:

Shame the weather didn't play ball but it sounds like you had some nice sessions.

Tony knows the area well having lived there for so long. Great to see he could help out.

Drop me a p.m next time you're heading down there. I have a good mate that owns a town on a river & the fishing is reportedly very good. :biggrin2:

Hope you enjoyed your break from the wild blue yonder.



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Arthurs was open but very low Maybe it may have worked We caught fish there last year out of the boat Courtesy of local Shimano rep Paul Ellis. I guess there is only so much one can try in five days of fishing.

You are right casting to rising and tailing fish is pretty special


I fished Arthurs in November last year and it did produce some very nice browns on both fly and plastics. One day was wet and blustery and the fly worked and the following day was dry and sunny and only plastics worked. i would love to fish it again but next time i would also like to try a few of the other waters that you have mentioned.

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Great report mate. What a stark change for you from the last couple of months! The one common theme for your photos (especially the first one):

"How's the serenity!" :thumbup:



If anyone doubts the serenity "tell 'em they're dreamin' We always enjoy Tassy and its peacefull easy feelin'


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Glad you had a great break and got into some fish despite the less than perfect conditions. Your experience shows mate... I know a lot of people who have gone to Tassie for the first time and struggled to even %%%%% a trout, let alone catch one. The fishing can be incredible but it's challenging... that's why its so much fun.

You've made me a bit homesick now mate... I'll have to get back there next year for a break.

Your photos and fish are great mate. :thumbup:

Cheers, Tony

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great looking trip


Squid Hunter

Thanks Raiders

For your kind comments I am looking forward to next year already. Although I spend many thousands of hours behind the wheel of Broadbill catching all kinds of fish during the seasons. I really do have apersonal passion for fly fishing and blackfishing, Maybe it's because of the serinity and the lack of pressure to find fish for my clients...........Anyway whatever it is I enjoy both facets of our sport immensley


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