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Upper Lanecove River

King slayer

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Hi Raiders,

I live pretty close to the upper section of Lanecove river, and I was wondering if any raiders have had success, particularly on Jew in the region up river from lillypilly bridge to the weir. There are always heaps of big and small mullet at the weir and lots of small-medium bream too.

Looking at Google Earth, the river looks likely, but I have no idea about depth as I haven't fished any part except the very end near the weir, and then only for mullet. I doubt jew or Flathead would be up so far with a fair amount of fresh often coming over the weir, but who knows.

A glance down river from Epping road looks like it opens up a little and might have some deep water with cliffs etc.

What I'd like to try is live mullet along the river somewhere if there are likely Jew spots there.

I know one Raider, Braddles had a good capture some time ago at the Lillypilly bridge with squid I think..

Anyway if anyone has anything to share on the subject, I'd love to hear about your experiences.

Cheers all.


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Fish the tides & moons around the pylons of the Epping Rd bridge.

There's a few Jew up there. I know of a few caught other than the couple of schoolies I got there on plastics many moons ago.

The same bridge also holds e.p's, bass, bream & flatties at times.

It will take a bit of time to work it out though. It can be hit & miss.

Good luck.



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