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Freaken Spewin


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hey raiders...

hit the hacking with my fishing buddy the other week... we were after some livies, so my mate dropped down a bait jig... the rod buckles over, and he's fighting a fish for about 5 mins.. suprisingly, he pulls up a 33cm snapper! cheering...

at that time, i was flicking around a 5 inch jerk shad... heaps of little pickers, who kept nibbling on the plastic, so i started getting annoyed at wasting my plastics, so i took the jerk shad off my jighead... i couldnt be bothered taking the jighead off and re-rigging, so i just put a piece of striped tuna bait on the jighead and dropped it...

it hadent even dropped a metre yet, and line is ripping off my reel, as it was still in free-spool. I flick it over, and line is still being peeled... slowly slowly i tighten the drag and play the fish as best i could... i eventually tightned the drag to nearly maximum , and i swear to god i was still loosing line... and very rapidly... the 150m of 10lb braid had a couple of wraps around the spool left, and i can clearly see all the backing... the fish stops running, and i start to slowly bring in the fish, pulling the rod in, then winding etc... then the damn fish spits.. :1badmood::1wallbash::1badmood::1wallbash:

i bring in my line, to find its bent back the bloody hook on the jighead.. i had the 10lb nitlon braid tied to a 12lb nitlon leader with a blood knot, and the leader tied to a snap clip with an improved clinch knot, and the jighead attached to the snap clip. i was using a daiwa sol 2500 reel...

its doing my head in badly... im dying to know what it was... i cancelled out the possibility of a kingy, as kingies tend to go straight down when hooked... there was barely a bend in my rod. this fish swam straight out...

never caught a jewie before...??? can they pull that hard??? to my understanding, the max drag on a sol 2500 is 7kg... my drag wasnt too far off that...

i doubt it would have been any kind of shark as surely the teeth would have sliced the leader real quick...

somebody please put me out of my misery and tell me what it was??? i didnt want to take the stupid fish home, i would have been more than happy to let it go.. i just wanted to see what it was...


other than that, we got a few pike, small snapper, heaps of yakkas and a big slimie..

cheers guys


Edited by kiro
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mate i would be hating life. if you dont mind can you let me know where this spot was it sounds familiar, i get out on the hacking regularly its a good drop. i wouldnt have a clue what would have hit you sounds like it was either something huge of you hook was made out of al foil ive never seen a hook bent straight before. sounds like a bit of excitement better than not having a hit all day. because to have hit and lost is better than not being hit at all.

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sorry fellas, probably a bad choice of wording...

not straightend my hook, as in the hook went 180 degrees.... the bend in the hook was bent back, so the tip of the barb was kinda pointing towards the chunky lead bit... get me?? lol anyways, it mangled my hook!

5Star - im not too sure of the exact location. I dont fish the hacking much.. i'll ask my mate and get back to you as he is a local...


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Hi Kiro,

Do you still have the jig head ? If you do, Id love to see a picture of it.

From reading other post I wonder - could it have been a seal ???


Seals in the hacking river?

sounds great wherever you were fishing. Dam, whatever that big fish you had on...

I would love to see the condition of that hook too...

Whereabouts were you fishing? some man-made structures? or off the rocks somewhere?

The spots I checked out today were very packed... Especially at Wally's Wharf.. Not much action though... Saw a few yakkas being pulled up there... lots of small snapper.

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Thanks for the replies fellas...

the jighead is in my mates boat... i've called him and told him to keep it for me.. i'll take a snap of it and post it soon...

King slayer - nah it wasnt a squidgy mate.. never tried those actually...

lol bastik - thanks for your comment..! i was still wondering wat it was till i read your post..

Timmy - looking forward to it brother... will pop in and see you soon!

davemmm - thanks for the tip mate...! i've convinced myself it was a ray! actually feel better lol!

thanks again raiders...

tight lines!


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If the bait was not on the bottom it is very unlikley to be a ray of any type.

I am not going to speculate on what type of fish it was but it must have been somthing with powerfull jaws and a hard mouth. The hook would not bend with amount of pressure you could exert with this line but the fish can easily bend it in its jaws by working the hook form side to side in its mouth.

A mid size red could easily acheive this.

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just wondering if the position of a ray's mouth lend's weight to the bent hook argument? perhaps.

another piece to the puzzle might be the water temps - if you were in a warmer patch than the rest of the water column that might be the reason it stayed up higher - then i'd be betting on a kingy or frigate/mac tuna or lost barracouda.

for what it's worth my money is on a japanese sub's periscope.

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i dont think a frigate could pull 100m+ of near 7kg drag.... were the runs slow and powerful or really quick? im gonna put my money on a shark... if it was hooked in the mouth it would not sever your leader...

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thanks for the input fellas...

dicko - the runs were quick... they were long runs, and ripping line off my reel... the last run was the one that stunned me... with a tight drag and for it to pull that much line off, i knew it was a decent fish... just wouldnt have a clue what it was... the bait was taken before it had even dropped a metre down, so the fish was definately on the surface...

i'll post a pic of the jighead, once i get it off my mates boat...

cheers guys


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