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North Entrance Beach..


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hey raiders,

woke up today, gt bored n thought id go for a bash off th beach for some bream..

well, after i got everything sorted.. went to freddys n talked to jacko for a bit, it was 2..

so i thought id go for a squid n fish into th evening for a jew..

after squidding for a hr or so with my mate walsh, and gettin nothing. we decided to hit th beach, armed with 13 arrow squid my brother in law was bringing that he prepared earlier..


we got to th beach, set up, got th lines in th water..

n waited

n waited

n checked bait..

n nothing


n held th rod this time.

th ammount of pickers was crazyy..


we are waiting,

putting fresh bait on every 2 mintutes..

and nothing..

we decided to give it in n head home..

when i got what felt likce a nice hit..

i struck, and thought i was on...


it was a crab..

it was time to pack up..


got a chance to get my new seajigger 325 out for a lash..

and does it cast! :thumbup:

also took my camera that i got for my 21st..

no fish but took some pics of th sunset..

still had an alrite arvo/night

better thn bein infront of th idiot box..



Edited by ImDale
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nice place that is, went up there around 2 years ago for some night fishing, got some decent bites, and my old man managed to get in a 84cm jewie, but that was 2 years ago :( but still good to hear that you had fun with or without fish.

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nice place that is, went up there around 2 years ago for some night fishing, got some decent bites, and my old man managed to get in a 84cm jewie, but that was 2 years ago :( but still good to hear that you had fun with or without fish.

ive caught prob 10 or so jew there since i started fishing there in september last year..

i just havnt been puttin th effort into it lately...

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G'day Dale, North Entrance is a bit of a Jewie hot spot, often hear reports of some monsters being caught there , anyway a nice way to spend your time, there is one big jewie just around the corner if you keep trying there, nice sunset pics too..


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G'day Dale, North Entrance is a bit of a Jewie hot spot, often hear reports of some monsters being caught there , anyway a nice way to spend your time, there is one big jewie just around the corner if you keep trying there, nice sunset pics too..


cheers mate, yeh my biggest to date is 15kg..

wasnt bad at all :P and it was my 2nd jew after a 3kg model 20mins earlier..

if your keen ray id b keen to catch up for a fish somewhere, avoca rocks or something?

ive hit it once before, but didnt have much luck...

so if ur ever headin out n looking for someone to fish with,,

give me a yell



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too bad about the pickers! what reel have you got on the seajigger?

atm its a 3000 exceller.. got it cheap off a mate...

tossin up weather to go a 4500 saltiga surf or a 4000 certate hyper PE..

whennn i get th cashh haha

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Nice couple of beach shots mate. Beats been at work.

true that,,

i hit th beach again this afternoon after work, and aftergettin a feed with clint from th tackle shop..

and again...


fresh squid i got yesterday...

gone within 5 mins.. tops...

its killin me..

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