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Sunday On The Georges


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Went out sunday with a old mate Don for a quick flick on the georges for some bream.

Managed to get a five bag of bream but nothin to right home about i think the best was don's which went 31cm, but did manage this old girl,She went 78cm and weighed in at 3.5kg.

All bream where caught on HB's and the lizard on a 2" sandworm with a 1/24 jighead over some flats we had found. All fish where let go to live another day. :1fishing1:


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G'day mate, nice lizard and a few bream as well to keep the rods and reels working, thats is a nice way to spend a sunday.

Congrats on your captures and releases.. :thumbup:

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Nar Musty not that don, and yes we where surprised there wasnt much traffic on the water for a sunday...mind you the weather man said rainy day....guess who got it wrong again :1prop: .

Andrew Don's been on the george abit of late, but you know how big the waterway is....oh by the way are there any E.P's about at the moment....havent got one for ages. :1fishing1:

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Great fish mate. There is no accounting for what the buggers will have a go at. You wouldn't think a 2" plastic would be worth eating when you are 78cm would ya? :biggrin2:

Great to see another old girl released :thumbup:



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Should be some EPs around Jorg

Ive been catching small ones while chasing bream around pontoons and rockwalls but the bigger ones should be starting to school up You know where to try

Im trying to get out monday morning but I think the :wife: has other plans :1badmood:

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Top Croc there Snag!!. :thumbup::1yikes:

I wonder if she has any friens around - or she ate them all!

Recognise the spot, it beautiful there. Just got my motot back on line and think I might tootle down there this arvo and see if she has any friends?? :1fishing1:

Best wishes


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