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Beach Jew


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Well after 4 very active months I am still jewless. Plenty of sharks, a few fat tailor. One almighty spooling last trip which was a speeding unstoppable force, I was about to lose the lot til I put some pressure on, it felt like I'd hooked a car then went off like a gun. Possibly jew but more likely a noah methinks, but who knows as I don't know any better, but then again not bitten off just snapped off.

Anyway, this is my modus operandii. Does anything stand out as wrong?

I fish off the beach with self caught very fresh squid or very fresh or live fish usually yakka about 18-20cm.

The squid is normally too large to livebait, so rectangular strips about 15cmx3cm (Is this too small?) are what I normally put out on a single hook 7/0 to 9/0 in varying styles, with a metre or so of leader 20-30lb and a running sinker heavy enough to keep me anchored according to conditions. I've never tried a paternoster rig, would this be better, or only suited to boat or wharf fishing? Sometimes I get not even a touch I think to myself is this because of my rig?

If my yakkas are live they are pinned above lateral line just above the curve in the lateral line. If dead I pin them a little lower and half hitch the tail to keep them streamlined.

I fish around tide turns, normally high but not always, and I always spend the time to find deeper gutters on the beach to fish, normally with a bait placed around the edges and one right in the middle.

I'd hate to work out the hours I've put in, then again I could probably ask the :wife: she is persistently questioning my capacity as a fisherman. I try to explain that's Jewfishing.

What am I doing wrong? Is there anything here standing out? Do I just go back to another style?

Thanks in advance,

(A very at wit's end) Slabslinger

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What beach are you fishing?

Tides are not so important.

Dark of the moon seems to be.

Fresh baits are mandatory and those tailor your are getting should be your first choice of bait.

Live or dead doesnt matter,cut the tails off your dead baits and pin through the lip,no half hitches.

Tide changes can be ok ,run up seems to be better and definately just on dusk is the better time till around 11 pm.

Is your beach a known jewfish beach??? it can make a difference.

The next dark of the moon will be a prime time to hit the beach for a shot at your quarry.

Use big hooks and anchor your bait to the bottom with a star sinker.Fish your gear in srike drag at all times,no free spooling

Long casts are not always the better option as the jews will hunt right in close as the sun goes down, 20 or 30 mtrs is usually plenty

Cheers Stewy

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Hey slabslinger,

North Narra, dee why and Long reef beach are pretty good.

Gets a bit busy at times.

The tides over next few days are good. Fish the two hours either side of high tide.

I am gonna get out there if i can as the next few days look promising.

Slag baits are good or butterflied slimmies, yakkas or tailor.

My biggest jew was at LR on a high tide at 8pm.

It took a salmon fillet with a single hook.

It is hard work beach fishing for jews.

I have only got one off the beach but have seen plenty landed at those locations.


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What beach are you fishing?

Tides are not so important.

Dark of the moon seems to be.

Fresh baits are mandatory and those tailor your are getting should be your first choice of bait.

Live or dead doesnt matter,cut the tails off your dead baits and pin through the lip,no half hitches.

Tide changes can be ok ,run up seems to be better and definately just on dusk is the better time till around 11 pm.

Is your beach a known jewfish beach??? it can make a difference.

The next dark of the moon will be a prime time to hit the beach for a shot at your quarry.

Use big hooks and anchor your bait to the bottom with a star sinker.Fish your gear in srike drag at all times,no free spooling

Long casts are not always the better option as the jews will hunt right in close as the sun goes down, 20 or 30 mtrs is usually plenty

Cheers Stewy

Thanks for the advice Stewy. A few things standing out to me there.

Yes it is well know as a jewfish haunt. I knew moon was important, just forgot to mention it in my post. Thought it was the full? But no moon better?

I do usually use a star sinker but as a runner. Do you suggest using that at the end of my leader? If so do you mean as in a paternoster style rig?

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Thanks for the advice Stewy. A few things standing out to me there.

Yes it is well know as a jewfish haunt. I knew moon was important, just forgot to mention it in my post. Thought it was the full? But no moon better?

I do usually use a star sinker but as a runner. Do you suggest using that at the end of my leader? If so do you mean as in a paternoster style rig?

No moon seems the best from our experience.

Running star,but keep the tension on.

double...star sinker...good swivel.......trace 40 to 80lb your call and 8/0 to 10/0 gamagatsu octopus hooks ,one or a sliding snell.

The 25th looks like a great night for the Mulloway and the tide is nice and high around 8.30 pm.

Cheers Stewy

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Hey slabslinger,

North Narra, dee why and Long reef beach are pretty good.

Gets a bit busy at times.

The tides over next few days are good. Fish the two hours either side of high tide.

I am gonna get out there if i can as the next few days look promising.

Slag baits are good or butterflied slimmies, yakkas or tailor.

My biggest jew was at LR on a high tide at 8pm.

It took a salmon fillet with a single hook.

It is hard work beach fishing for jews.

I have only got one off the beach but have seen plenty landed at those locations.


G'day Zenman,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm almost exclusively at LR. Might see you Thurs/Fri if you are down this way. PM me if you want to say g'day.

Sounds like I'm not doing too much wrong.

Any tips with my rig? Other than Stewy has already mentioned?

Thanks in advance,


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G'day Zenman,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm almost exclusively at LR. Might see you Thurs/Fri if you are down this way. PM me if you want to say g'day.

Sounds like I'm not doing too much wrong.

Any tips with my rig? Other than Stewy has already mentioned?

Thanks in advance,


Mate i prefer smaller two hook rigs but depends on bait size.

Match hooks to bait. As long as the hook is clear of the bait its good.

I run a sliding star sinker on 60lb braid with a 40lb jinkai leader of about 1m.

The jinkai could be beefed up a bit.

Jews being scavengers means sometimes they take small baits as well as big.

I try to take a selection of baits to throw at em but i guess whole fresh squid is best then fleshy slab baits.

I am a pretty average beach fisho and prefer to fish from a boat but try the beach coz the jews are there.

Has parking in the LR carpark been safe lately? Awhile back there was a bit of vandalisim so i started parking in DY and walking to the lagoon entrance area to scope out a likely spot.

Just sounds like to me that your very close to your beach jew. Its just a matter of time.


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hehehe! this is vary familiar to me. Sounds like my story all over again. I tried everything as you mentioned but no matter what anyone says, in my opinion the single biggest key to Jew fishing must surely be LUCK. You need it big time and sounds as though you haven't got it either. Oh and don't think because you've put the time in that you'll get one or you deserve one. Doesn't work like that. Hope your luck changes and you get one soon.


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Mate i prefer smaller two hook rigs but depends on bait size.

Match hooks to bait. As long as the hook is clear of the bait its good.

I run a sliding star sinker on 60lb braid with a 40lb jinkai leader of about 1m.

The jinkai could be beefed up a bit.

Jews being scavengers means sometimes they take small baits as well as big.

I try to take a selection of baits to throw at em but i guess whole fresh squid is best then fleshy slab baits.

I am a pretty average beach fisho and prefer to fish from a boat but try the beach coz the jews are there.

Has parking in the LR carpark been safe lately? Awhile back there was a bit of vandalisim so i started parking in DY and walking to the lagoon entrance area to scope out a likely spot.

Just sounds like to me that your very close to your beach jew. Its just a matter of time.


Hi mike are you talking about the beach at LR where they launch the boats near the golf club?

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hehehe! this is vary familiar to me. Sounds like my story all over again. I tried everything as you mentioned but no matter what anyone says, in my opinion the single biggest key to Jew fishing must surely be LUCK. You need it big time and sounds as though you haven't got it either. Oh and don't think because you've put the time in that you'll get one or you deserve one. Doesn't work like that. Hope your luck changes and you get one soon.


Luck has only a small part to play in consistently catching jew from a beach or anywhere else.

Slabslinger, take careful note of the moon, tides & barometer. If you are able to go when these factors line up & you know it's right then your catch rate will improve dramatically.

Self caught & well kept bait is a must. Stick to Swordy's advice on rigs & times & your 'luck' will change.



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Hi mike are you talking about the beach at LR where they launch the boats near the golf club?

No. The car park we are referring to is LR Beach a little bit south of where you are thinking and the golf course.

As far as the vandalism goes, I'd say it has it's moments. That area goes through patches where hundreds of kids (13-20 y.o's), and I really literally mean hundreds (bulk text messages/facebook/myspace all have a lot to answer for) pack into the car park area and drink or drug or whatever they do 2 or 3 nights in a week. Cops are hopelessly outnumbered and inflame them more often than not. And then no buses stop to take them away because of their sheer numbers and behaviour so it then becomes entertaining to destroy things. Anyway that's my rant - glad to get that off my chest :mad3:

I live pretty much overlooking that area, so I walk and don't have that issue, but I have on occasion been approached on the beach, generally harmless enough and or off their faces, slight cause for concern on the odd occasion, but nothing serious as yet, touch wood.

I'd probably suggest if it 's quiet you're ok, if there is a gathering, then you may have cause for concern, i'd suggest leaving the carpark and parking on the high/northbound side of Pittwater Road and lugging your gear down.


Luck has only a small part to play in consistently catching jew from a beach or anywhere else.

Slabslinger, take careful note of the moon, tides & barometer. If you are able to go when these factors line up & you know it's right then your catch rate will improve dramatically.

Self caught & well kept bait is a must. Stick to Swordy's advice on rigs & times & your 'luck' will change.



Will do Grant.

A little bit of tweaking and hopefully I'll be getting into them.


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Luck has only a small part to play in consistently catching jew from a beach or anywhere else.

Slabslinger, take careful note of the moon, tides & barometer. If you are able to go when these factors line up & you know it's right then your catch rate will improve dramatically.

Self caught & well kept bait is a must. Stick to Swordy's advice on rigs & times & your 'luck' will change.



Perhaps up North the Jewfish play by the rules. In Sydney you can try all the moon phases, tides, live or fresh baits and barometre pressures in any combination you like, doesn't mean you'll get one. As you point out your "chance" may increase if you do everything right or maybe it still won't work. I know this from experience. You certainly know alot more about me and most people about how to catch Jew that's certain, but I feel like I know alot about how not to catch them too. If that makes any sense.

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Perhaps up North the Jewfish play by the rules. In Sydney you can try all the moon phases, tides, live or fresh baits and barometre pressures in any combination you like, doesn't mean you'll get one. As you point out your "chance" may increase if you do everything right or maybe it still won't work. I know this from experience. You certainly know alot more about me and most people about how to catch Jew that's certain, but I feel like I know alot about how not to catch them too. If that makes any sense.

Nats, I reckon you were very close to cracking the code before you had to go over to England. :(

Take 'outdoordan' for instance. He fished the same beach a few times a month, every month for 12 months, before he caught his 1st beach jew. He has since caught 4 fish in his last 3 trips.

I haven't even tried for jew since I've been up here. Too many other species to work out! All my jew were caught in & around Sydney.

Have a look at a few of the Raiders that get into jew alot. They catch a fish at least one out of every 2 or 3 trips they have. I still don't believe that they are just 'lucky'.



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