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What A Revolting Job...


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Went out onto my balcony for a smoke just now. There was a pungent rotten-fishy aroma in the air. It was then I realised that last time I went fishing, I'd left my bucket outside with half a bag of pilchards, some squid and some prawns - for about 4 days. Bleh. Nearly puked. One mouthful of mints (to distract from the smell), some bathroom air freshener, one quarter of a bottle of pine-o-clean and five minutes later, the abomination was dealt with.

Good job the :wife: hadn't stepped outside or I would have been in heaps of trouble.

Was thinking of selling the resultant gloop to the local servo - it's still better quality than their own stuff :074:

Edited by jamesds
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Niiiiiice. :074:

I think that's how they get their 'gents' for bait in England for coarse fishing. I've occasionally lost live baits under the floor in the boat only to be rediscovered by their fragrance some time later. Not fun.

Cheers, Slinky

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nasty that.....a mate of mine recently opened his bbq lid to find 5 raw steaks complete with maggots to boot!! Obviously he was feeling hugry after a few too many :beersmile: and forgot to return to cook them..... the whole deck and bbq has never looked cleaner after the job he did on it with the gerni!! LOL

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nasty that.....a mate of mine recently opened his bbq lid to find 5 raw steaks complete with maggots to boot!! Obviously he was feeling hugry after a few too many :beersmile: and forgot to return to cook them..... the whole deck and bbq has never looked cleaner after the job he did on it with the gerni!! LOL


That's awesome. :074:

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Wait till your four shelf bait freezer trips the circuit breaker in mid feb.

By the smell it had been off for about four days before I noticed.


mate my deep freezer which is kept outside in the bbq area did excactly that last year after an electrical storm and we realized about 5 days later!!!!lost everything including a 20lb jew! and boy it was ripe.

on the positive side at least the freezer got defrosted :074:


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the brother & father inlaws 5 shelf freezer plug came out of its socket in the downstairs laundry somehow once. Pilchards, left over yakkas, prawns, fish heads, prawn shells you name it all defrosted in the middle of summer just gone. After 2 days they went down stairs and nearly puked.

The smell was that bad the BIL duck taped the edges of the laundry door.

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There are cheapish freezer 9volt battery powered alarms avaliable now for camping fridges with a peizzo alarm as when out bush you can't afford to lose all your fresh stuff. On some large fridges we had with a business that has a phone attached and would call home if temperatures went outside set levels as they contained thousands in stock and it was a food safety thing.

I personally would not like to thank any posters on this thread as reading it made me remember smells I hoped I would never experience again, cleaning stock out of a mobile coolroom container after a electronics failure ( it warmed not cooled) with a forklift into a garbage truck, had to move container to middle of a nearby vacant lot due to complaints from neighbouring business 2 hundred meters away. Even the garbo wandered off upwind as he couldn't take it. Those carbon masks work but I swear evertime we used that forklift I could smell that tainted smell and we just threw out any clothes we were wearing. The jobs you do when young and stupid.

Edited by pelican
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I personally would not like to thank any posters on this thread as reading it made me remember smells I hoped I would never experience again, cleaning stock out of a mobile coolroom container after a electronics failure ( it warmed not cooled) with a forklift into a garbage truck, had to move container to middle of a nearby vacant lot due to complaints from neighbouring business 2 hundred meters away. Even the garbo wandered off upwind as he couldn't take it. Those carbon masks work but I swear evertime we used that forklift I could smell that tainted smell and we just threw out any clothes we were wearing. The jobs you do when young and stupid.

Iive had that before as well Mike.

A refrigerated 20ft container of packed mussels shipping from NZ to Australia back in 98. The freezer broke while in transit and the container got returned to NZ unopened. Those mussles were well baked by the time they got back to NZ after 2 trips at sea. The container got taken straight to the tip for emptying but had to be cleaned and fumigated by MAF.

When we opened this container in the yard it shut down ALL 7 of the surrounding buisness for the day. People hurling at there desks etc from the smell, it was the worst thing i have ever smelt in my life!

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I nearly bring myself to laugh about it now. Only cause I saw some newer blokes after me have to do a worse one - they sent that container to scrap as it was dried meats and stuff that had fresh water in the container from a damaged roof. Lets just say moths , flies and stuff were in there. If you think metal isn't porus and holds a smell you are wrong. They knew something was wrong as it was too heavy for the usual forklift to get off the truck and was a little ripe so to speak.

The one and only I did had all the old blokes disappeared when it was due to be opened. It literally exploded open as it was pressurised with fermentation. Yep they are pretty airtight and I know the new ones have a breather valve as they are even better sealed than 20 years ago. I'll leave that to your imagination.

The yard where it was initially opened and was oozed on ( those who have ever opened a dead container will know what I mean) even after fire hose , commercial glen 20, caustic and pressure washing was a place to avoid on a warm day as the concrete and tarmac would reak. Your skin and hair absorbed it so no number of showers washed it off for several days . Nose and sense of smell I reckon have never been the same. I know I

could never work at the fish markets.

They dozer a special hole at the dump when it happens and really off stuff needs to be disposed of..

Fire brigade hosed it out in the field - I assume it went to scrap as well. Pitty some poor mongrel if he bought it or a shed on his farm.

Enough of this I want to be able to eat tonight or at least in the next couple of days.

Edited by pelican
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