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Hawksburry Flatties

Jono Hammond

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Hey Everyone

First post ever, love the site - already addicted :biggrin2:

Spend most of my time out on the water in the Hawksburry, and am finally starting to reap the benefits as am now averaging a 50+ flattie every time i go out. :thumbup:

Went out last weekend and managed this nice bag


Still trying to crack into the Hawksburry squid though and not having any luck, :1badmood: using good jigs but not sure were to try, have tried around barrenjoey and jerusalem bay but nothing, -any tips or suggestions would be awesome.

Jono :1fishing1:

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:1welcomeani: Jono, yeah mate a great site and you will benefit from the info on here, nice flatties and a little flounder too, I was flicking for flatties one day at Lobster Beach and I hooked a nice flounder, except he wasn't hooked he had just clamped down on the tail of my 5' jerk shad and didn't let go until he was in the boat, silly fish.

As for squid, you can try around West Head, drift or anchor around the rocky edge, we have got the odd one or two there..


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G'day Mad Keen John,

Nice bag and great to hear you’re getting flatties on a regular basis... especially when flatty fillets are $30-34 bucks a KG...!!

Hey did you get hungry and take a big bite out of the bigger flatty? Or did you pull it up like that... looks like a big chunk is missing towards her tail..?

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sum nice fillets there mate!! i get quite a few flounder while flicking 4 flatties to.

Pulled up the bigger flattie like that - weird, one of them had some parasite in its stomach as well - looked like something out of a horror movie :1yikes:

:1welcomeani: Jono, yeah mate a great site and you will benefit from the info on here, nice flatties and a little flounder too, I was flicking for flatties one day at Lobster Beach and I hooked a nice flounder, except he wasn't hooked he had just clamped down on the tail of my 5' jerk shad and didn't let go until he was in the boat, silly fish.

As for squid, you can try around West Head, drift or anchor around the rocky edge, we have got the odd one or two there..


Thanks Ray R

Will give it a go - thinking about spending a whole day just looking for squid - heard its a good way of really working out the best way of catching them.

hey mad keen john i fish the hawksbury and pittwater area to. For squid try around te basin area i catch all mine around there. hope that helps

Cheers andrewgibbons

only tried in pittwater once and not for squid - spent the good part of a day downrigging with yakka for kingies with no luck, must give it a go

sum nice fillets there mate!! i get quite a few flounder while flicking 4 flatties to.

Cooked up the fillets the other night


YUM - so fresh :thumbup:

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