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Lake Lyell Experience


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Myself and Abuman arived a little after lunch on the friday. Paid our fees and set up camp. :thumbup:

We noticed Stewie and others were already there and out on the water. We put the boat in and headed up the lake towards the backwaters.

This became my first boating incident...... As i rounded the corner near Fishermans creek, my steering locked and before i could knock it out of gear the boat mounted the bank :1yikes: After we regained our senses (!!) we were able to push the boat off the bank and see how lucky we were! Other raiders saw this happen and were quick to check it we were ok. After realising that all was good, we started fishing. :1fishing1:

No luck Friday afternoon. Went up the camp for dinner. Stewie had already started a fire which was not quite what we needed. So myself and Abuman said that we would get some wood. Seeing as i had left the boat in the water, i had an empty trailer, so we went up the road and brought back enough wood for the weekend. :thumbup: This delighted Stewie and the other raiders that were at HQ.

That night after a few yarns and a few drinks, myself and Abuman went down to the water to drop a few lines in and do a bit of a night fish. Abuman caught this little fella, which no-one was quite sure what it was. But i have since found out that it is an endangered Macquarie Perch.

Saturday morning-up at 5am, Stewie was already up after the great night he had sharing a tent with Chris & Smithy, :biggrin2: On the water, and the fog had rolled in which didnt take long to lift to make a beautiful clear sky sunny day. Dropped the lines in, using worms and powerbait and i'm onto a rainbow. After stretching and measuring twice, it was only 24.5 cm so it went back. :mad3:

The wife turned up for her first camping/fishing and raider social EVER. My hubby and Abuman taught me how to cast and bait a hook, but i didnt catch anything except the bottom!

The rest of the day was spent talking to raiders and trying baits and lures. Other raiders were catching good fish, all in all was a great day. Few more yarns Saturday night around what was left of the fire and tales about fish and how good the social has been with other raiders.

Sunday morning- another foggy morning and beautiful sunrise. We hit the water again, flicked a few lures but no luck, so we packed up camp once the sun was up and headed home. Had a great weekend, and I am looking forward to the next social and hope to meet a few more raiders. As far as i know, all raiders not only had a great time, but all raiders also caught at least one fish, and alot of firsts for everyone all round.

Thanks Stewie you did a great job once again.... :thumbup:

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