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Port Hacking 09/05


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went out to the port hacking on saturday 09/05, got out onto the water at about 7:30 thanks to a hectic morning trying to locate my mates wallet that was right infront of us the whole time, long story!. anyway we went to a nice drop off spot and noticed a couple of nice trevally around, my mate caught one after it gave him a good fight and i started to really burley up to see what else we could get around the boat (this spot is usually very alive and there is a good chance you will see some nice size fish of a few different types) well after about 10mins the leather jackets rolled in on us they were in plaugue proportions. last week i wrote a topic of leather jackets in FISHING CHAT, i had no idea how to catch the line clipping b@$tards and got some good advice from some fellow raiders (Thanks again guys) i tried a few of the things they had told me and before i knew it i had about 20 in the boat (a record catch for me considering this time last week i could barely manage one). after we got a nice bag of letheries we started trekking off to our next spot to go for something a bit different when my mate called that he saw some nice size fish swimming aroung in the channel so in goes the prawn and bang zzzzzzzzz. i pull out a nice trevalley and less than 5 mins later my mate pulls up another nice one but we released all the trevallys we already had a good amount of fish from the leather jackets and im not sure if you need to cook trevally a certain way? but they in my opinion are not the best tasting fish great to catch though. anyway it went a bit quiet at about 11:30 so we called it a day, a good day of fishing in the end. sorry no pics we lost the camera too but ended up finding it in the boat when we got back :074: .

on sunday 10/05 one of my mates wanted to break his fishing viginity and so i thoght we would go out to botany bay, the weather channel said bad weather but it wasnt bad at home so i thought it could be worth a try because my mate was all excited i didnt want to let him down. well put in at tom uglys and started trekking into the bay, it was hammering down out there we got about 50metres out from captain cooks bridge and had to turn back the bay was very rough. so we went up the river and threw some soft plastics around i landed 2 flathead both barely legal so i released them but we had been rained upon for quite some time now and it was freezing so i told my mate that we would stay out untill he caught a fish if he wanted but i dont think he rated his chance of catching one cause we were on our way home a short time later. not a very good day for fishing but an experience never the less. and its always good to get someone new out into fishing.

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Good job on the jackets brother... the more you catch, the better for everyone else lol...

shame about your botany trip.. that's fishing huh... im always worried when i fish with a first timer and they dont land anything... im scared they'll hate it after that lol...

tight lines brother

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