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Sydney East Fad And Beyond


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G'day all,

Sorry for the late report but thought i might post it anyway.

Headed out from Tom Uglies on saturday morning arriving at 5.30am. We headed straight out to fish farm to try score some livies but we were struggling. 6.30 decided to give it one last go at Yarra Bay and we found them......

Scored about a dozen yellow tail and headed straight out as it was getting late....didnt want to miss the morning feed......

First 5km off the head land was very sloppy at least 2m swell with a 1m chop......decided to keep going and it got better the further we went......

Arrived at sydney wide fad at about 7.30 and saw dollies nibbling at our outboard....grabbed the fist rod i found with 12 pount mono and threw a livie on...hardly hit the water and got smashed, busted me straight up...didnt throw another one in on that gear....

Livies went within 5 min and we had at least 10 dollies on board between 65 and 90cm enough for us but loved the action..

We threw pillies at them for the next hour and we must of released at least 50 between the three of us...great fun but decided to move on....

Trawled out to 12 mile for a dozen or so big strippies ranging between 5 and 10 kg and turned for home scoring more strippies and a couple of bonito trawling over the peak...

Great day and plenty of fish...........

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