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Broken Bay Dolly


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Went out tried few reefs looking for snapper or kingies not a touch. :( Was a bit windy so tried fish traps about 16k off bbay, no luck. not far away ventured the fad, saw 1 leap as I approached water was 21.5 so was surprised. Caught 2 dropped two one at the boat and one in mid air during some acrobatics. One was early 60's put her back kept one 70 odd cm's that was four drifts and after that they stopped???!!! :thumbdown: The wind dropped by the time I got back to east reef still no bites. And that was all she wrote. Have photo of the keeper will post later. Going to bali on sat so I guess thats it for me and dolly till next year. Anyone been fishing in bali????!

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Hey guys, headed over to bali myself in early june last year, went on a two hour fishing trip wind was howling, horrible day, managed a nice Dolly though. and the guys there had no idea what they were doin was quite funny. If you manage a good boat definately worth a crack!


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hay mate yeah i was in bali last year and booked a charter from nusa dua went out side for a troll with some lures and managed a bluefin tuna i wanted to put out for a live bait but guy didnt have decent ovrhead reel hehe overall was a fun day out and the guys were friendly enough to share some tuna catching secrets that worked well for them

picture of my tuna


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