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Botany Bay & Rivers.

Catchin Jack

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Went out for a fish this morning with landbased at 5am and headed out into the bay near container terminal. We tried a few spots but all we got were under size fish, a ray and a shovel nose shark and the wind was starting to pick up so we headed into the Woronora river to try for some bream or flatties but came up empty handed, buzzed around to the Georges also but only under size fish around there also, got one legal whiting which ended up being fed to the pelican back at the boat ramp haha.

Wind played a major factor in todays expedition, many various baits were tried, blades, sp's but it just wasn't to be.

Hopefully someone caught something today.....



PS- We did lose an anchor near container breakwall near inner port marker, tried all the tricks to free it but it was stuck fast so there it now lives, so if anyone catches it just pm landbased i'm sure he'd appreciate it.


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