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Harbour Efforts The Past 4 Weeks


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Hi Raiders,

Thought i'd post some pics of the last few weeks of a few bream i've caught on my night outings in the harbour.

I've thrown a pic of a yellow tail at 32cm. Some people are talking about the bigger ones they've been catching and this fellow was the average size the other night.

Unfortunately there is no picture of a good size jew though I did get busted off 2 weeks ago by a jew on my 6 pound outfit. He was almost finished and we had colour about 20 metres from the wharf and whilst I was fighting between other fisho's lines around me he was gooone. Of course he didn't take the bigger rod did he!

All fish were victims of bait, either chicken, peeled prawn or yakka & caught at night. Tha jewie took a fresh piece of yaka.




post-10012-1242348798_thumb.jpg Yaka 32 cm


thought i'd put a pic of my bird in with it too - he never leaves my shoulder.


Cheers guys

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Kiwi - Some of those were from balmain mate theres some good spots there. Get a satellite google map up and search the headlands around the harbour and you'll find suitable spots with deep water.

Pay attention to the tide change and you should be lucky enough to get some.

Ray - His name is tokyo and it says it all. He is a nutter (also like his owner is sometimes ahaha)

Cheers guys

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