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Friends organised a fishing trip to celebrate my birthday today and what a great day it was :biggrin2:

One of my mates got me a set of new squid jigs :thumbup: Arrived at 7am and first cast was on a nice size squid. then we cooked brekky bacon and egg and went on a bush walk along southwest arm.

Came back and lost 1 monster squid :ranting2: I was so pumped that it was also the first cast with that new jig and a monster squid was on only to find i didnt bring a landing net while grabbing the squidjig to lift it onto the grass i bumbed the squid on a rock and it fell off :ranting2: Well after another 15 minutes we packed all rods up and walked to litle marley didnt bring the rods as we were only planning to cook some lunch there but there were 2 guys there and the weren;t having much luck the tried weed, cabbage prawns fresh squid and pilchard and only 2 undersized bream.

Although we didnt fish n catch muchh It was an awesome day :thumbup:

PS: anyone fishing warumbul use plastics there were 2 people who bagged out on some very nice 40-50cm flatties using a 4 inch bass minnow

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Happy birthday to you..

Sounded like a pretty fun day out. Sorry to hear about your misses on those big squids..

Dam, the wind was strong today. I missed all my squids today :ranting2:

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