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Esky Into Live Bait Tank?


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Hi Gents

I have a Quintrex Freedom Cruiser (no live bait tank installed) and use an esky for the livies to go in. Problem is I'm sick of changing the water constantly to keep them alive. I have a 12 volt plug in the back and was wondering if anyone has any ideas of pumps that can go in an esky (lid to close when I move spots)

I did buy one of those cheap pumps that have suction caps on the bottom to stick on the floor of the esky but is rusted up and stopped working. Is there anything else on the market that anyone knows about?

I have searched loads of tackle shops to no avail.

Cheers boys and happy fishing.


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Dom Are you trying to pump water into or out of the esky or just provide airation.

If the latter then most tacke stores sell small battery air pumps like the ones you see in fish tanks. The pump needs to be outside the esky with a plastic tube running in through the side or lid.

The pump needs to be protected from water spray / spillage

If your looking for water pumps & instalation then that's a different matter


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Hi Gents

I have a Quintrex Freedom Cruiser (no live bait tank installed) and use an esky for the livies to go in. Problem is I'm sick of changing the water constantly to keep them alive. I have a 12 volt plug in the back and was wondering if anyone has any ideas of pumps that can go in an esky (lid to close when I move spots)

I did buy one of those cheap pumps that have suction caps on the bottom to stick on the floor of the esky but is rusted up and stopped working. Is there anything else on the market that anyone knows about?

I have searched loads of tackle shops to no avail.

Cheers boys and happy fishing.


Hi Dom

I used a plastic garbage bin in my old boat, out on the marlin board. From memory the Freedom Cruiser's have a rear step? The bin has several holes punched into it about 100mm down from the top to allow the water to flow out and one hole for a plastic hose from a tee off the deck wash to get the water in and turning in a circular motion. The lid is on a clip and tie so as not to blow off while underway, and best of all it only cost me $10. The unit is very easily removed and didn't require any modifications (holes etc) to the hull. It caught quite a few marlin/fin and cobe before I upgraded.

I think it's still in the shed waiting for a new home if you would like it. It's going cheap :beersmile:



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