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More Jews After Twilight!


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Couldn't help myself so I had to go back and have another crack at the jew. The weather was shit, just got home, blowing from the SW15-25 knots but the fishing was hot. Landed about 12 jew ranging from about 40 cm to the cracker one that pulled the Boga grips to 12LBS. Lost another good fish to a bit off ( happens on eight pound leader)and pulled the hooks on about 7 small fish.No flathead tonight with only one small tailor(through back). I will finish my scotch and hit the sack, night all!


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Congrats on the 12 pounder and holy jew... 12 landed and 8 lost! how many do you want to catch!?

Another highly successful report, you have certainly got some pattern figured out...

Hmm...maybe its because no-one else will be daring enough to brave the icy weather these days... poses one heck of a dilemma.... to fish and turn into a snowman or stay in a lovely warm house with hot chocolate in hand..

Either way, i'm sure a lot of raiders will be jealous of your success, i know i am :wacko:

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Good onya mate! Just rewards for braving icy conditions :frozen: As a wise old man once told me: "You wont catch 'em curled up in your loungeroom" :biggrin2: Beaut fish, and a great session as well! :thumbup:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Caught half a dozen in another flooded river up Coffs last night in my canoe. New water and don't even know the river name, but same procedure and we lost 3 screamers. Put a post up next week with pics. As far as the Georges goes there are no secrets there just that you need to put lots of time in to discover the best tides and times. The Fisheries stock the system so we should be catching more Jew. Tight lines boys!

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