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Newbie To Fishing


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Hi, i am new to fishing. I have been fishing georges river and lurgano but have not had any luck. I have tried using squid and prawns. I am using a Shimano R2000 reel and a Shimano Technium Plus Spin 66 rod with Javis Walker 6LB mono line.

I am not sure what i am doing wrong.

Could someone please give me some advice. I would just like to be able to catch some fish and let them go again.

Thank you :1fishing1:

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hey mate.

you should try different baits, and check the tides, wheather and all little things like that.

Wheather plays a huge part in fishing, sometimes you get good, sometimes you dont.

You should maybe for near some sort of structure of somesort depending on your species your targeting, cause the fish will hide in there and wait for the bait fish to come, then they pounce for the bait fish.

Also the presentation of the bait can play a role in this. And also the site of hook, if its too big, and your targeting smaller fish for eg. bream, you got no chance, where as a smaller good, preferably a 8/0 long shank for me works for bream.

But then again, fishing can also be the waiting game, just have to be patient, if you get bored (like i tend to do sometimes) i chuck a lure on my line and chuck that out a couple of times, so i am alot more occupied.

I also like Braided line a lot more then mono, it may be more expensive, but i find braid better then mono, but there is down falls for braid. I personally would use (when baiting) braid line, probally around 10lb, and a 15lb Mono line. I find this works a lot more.


Edited by Luke1
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ok well i agree with luke on the fact that braid is better but for someone starting out getting used to tyying knots and unsure oif whether it will be a sport that they would like to stick with... congratulations on becoming a member herer and starting our great sport bait presentation is a massive thing as well as hook size my advice is ..im assuming you have a local tackle shop my suggesti0on go in and have a yarn to them...theyll be able to help you by pointing u in the right direction on what when and how to catch the fish in your area...the guys in the stores have years of experience and ne1 who is fishing can always learn from people like this...i still do and uive been fishing with the old man for nearly 15 years..neways man welcome and if any other questions pm me for more advice id be more than happy to hgelp as would any of the other raiders..

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thinner diameter and a l.ine thats rated at 6lb thats braid will break at a hiugher tension then 6lb mon as well as you also get a better feel for the bites and increases the odds of you hooking up those fish...however the knots can be prone to slipping if theyre not tied properly so youre knot knowledge has to be very solid..

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I also fish the Georges a bit myself and have found it very quite lately. You could also try other spots. I headed to the coast this morning and it was tops. Lots of fish about. It's a longer track to the spot but well worth it.

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hey maicat and welcome to fishraider best family site in australia

braid has no stretch so you feel eveything thats happening even the slightest nibble but it has it's draw backs

if your fishing around snags it will go ping if it touches any thing sharp

the best advise i can give you is light line light lead live bait

if you follow these simple rules you will usuly pick up a feed

start targeting one sort off fish i would recomend bream as there on at present

top baits live nippers,live blood worms ,live crabs

good back up bait bonito,slimmy mac,mullet and mullet gut.pipys,prawns,squid

study your target fish and read up on all the info you can pick your spot and fish it at diferant times till you work out what works best

cherrs gary

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basically any gear, you should be able to catch any fish. The reason for you not landing any fishes at Georges. My guess, is your hooks are oversized for the small picker fish taking your baits!

For Lugarno, I suggest you use a size 4,6,8,10,12 hook for fishing with small baits...

You mentioned prawns, cut them in to a nice size which fits perfectly on the hook, try and avoid bits hanging off the hook. As fish like to pick at it, and pull your bait off the hook.

Right now, fishing at Lugarno, the water temp is really low, so there arent alot of action fish around.. A lot of small ones. Since you wanna fish catch and release, go with a small hook. If they frequently swallow the hook, upgrade to a larger one...

Btw, as for hook sizes. the larger the number the smaller the hook.

Forget braid as well, you can get by without it!

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