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Cold And Windy


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went for a drummer session this morning with a mate got to the car park at 5.30 checked our spot and it was a bit windy and the swell was on the rise so drove to another spot not to far away started the bread berley going using prawns cungie and bread as bait after 3hours we had 5 drummer all about 2kgs and 2 blackies i could not land a pig this morning my mate caught all 5 but i got the 2 blackies on my 7144 20lb mono and 650 alvey on bread with a 1/0 hook :1yikes:

mate gave me a pig so i was happy with our catch all fish were chock a block with our berley when we cleaned them

peter :1fishing1:

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Hi Pete,

well done on hitting the water so early on a bad weather day; it seems to have paid off for both of you. Sounds like a good bag was achieved. Certainly shows the value of burley!

Any pics of the catch with a bit of background??



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hi cam would have loved to have some photos it was such a wild morning wet and windy so did not have camera

will post a photo of the 1 drummer and 2blackies that i have in the fridge this pig was the smallest of the 5 later tonight

peter :1fishing1:


Edited by luderick59
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