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Darwin And Boynoe

Trapper Tom

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Hey Fishraiders

Sitting here in the absolute frezzing cold.

Not game enough to brave the elements for a fish.

Yes if that means I'm a wimp then so be it.

Sort of passed going out and fishing and diving in all sorts of ungodly weather on a speculator trips, have done that for the past 30 years.

Looked at some past photos and thought I'd post a really really WARM picture of a Darwin sunset, 2nd is sunrise at Boynoe Habour NT. May help all the FR's venturing out in this damnable cold !!

Can't wait for next trip to north in Nov will advise of selected desination. Have it down to three now.


Trapper (bloody cold) Tom



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great photos there good to see im not the onoly one planning my next big trip

mines a lil further away than yours but oh well it happens ive got my location just working out timing for the mullet run next may i need to go back up to swr and get onto some big jew up that way next year ive completely missed out on getting up there this year for pigs or jew ...oh well

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