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Blackfish Weed


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Yesterday i went out and gathered some weed. I got about a handful of it. When i got home i rinsed the water out of it and wrapped it in some newspaper.

Is this what it is spose to look like


This morning i went in to the fridge were it was being kept and it stank!! The clump has also gone a much darker green. As this is my first time with weed is this normal or do i have to throw it out as it is off?

I have put it in some dryer newspaper in a zip lock bag back in the fridge. Will this be ok till the weekend or is the weed unusable?

Cheers hazza

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Yesterday i went out and gathered some weed. I got about a handful of it. When i got home i rinsed the water out of it and wrapped it in some newspaper.

Is this what it is spose to look like


This morning i went in to the fridge were it was being kept and it stank!! The clump has also gone a much darker green. As this is my first time with weed is this normal or do i have to throw it out as it is off?

I have put it in some dryer newspaper in a zip lock bag back in the fridge. Will this be ok till the weekend or is the weed unusable?

Cheers hazza

Looks like stringy weed to me, cabbage weed is better apparently but still works

Dont rinse it in fresh water - whatever you do!! It lives & survives in saltwater.

Sometimes you can see little bugs in the weed - you will wash these off in fresh water. Take what you need keep a bit of seawater if you can - if not keep it in newspaper moistened with seawater.

Send a PM to Roberta or search through the forum and you will find posts on keeping green weed - it doesnt keep for long however.

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It looks ok, but the smell is another thing if its really offensive. I rinse my weed in fresh saltwater after collecting and give it a quick run in a lettuce dryer or give it a good shake, then wrap it in kitchen towels and then wrap this in glad wrap if I am going to store it for a while. If its only for a day or so I still use the kitchen towel but wrap in a semi dry tea towel (only just wet) and it is always usable.

I try and separate any weed that looks brown, a bit dodgy, or slimy before storing.

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one when you get it rinse it out and get all the mud out in clean salt water, fresh water i okay Dad used to do it all the time, what send s it of is leaving it too moist and in thr fridge no need.

Try this get a bread crate place an old towel on it then spread the wwed out in thin layers tease it apart do not leave it in big clumps. place dry news paper over the first layer and add a second layer until you have treated all your weed this way.

depending on where you get your weed some types will keep a week other types will last only 48 hours no matter what you do! in particular the weed out of Hawthorne canal when you get it. Goes off very quick.

Oh and place the weed in the outside laundry where its cool or in the garage! If you live close to salt water take it down and wash it out every couple days and repeat the above process, always wring the weed out of excess water thats what ruins not whether its salt or fresh and excess mud in it!

And if anyone disagrees well my late father could answer you on that je caught a lot of fish and well he had the stats to prove it, i saw the results.

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I find this works for me. Simply wrap the weed in a clean hanky, do not wring it or add any more liquid to it, of any type, then place it in an airtight container, like one of those Glad Wrap ones, and keep it in the fridge. Just don't put it on the lowest shelf at the back, as this may cause freezing to occur and damage the weed. Now, after every time you use the weed remember to simply re-wrap it, in the same hanky, and put into the same container back to the fridge. I've found the same weed can keep for many weeks, and still deliver fish, using this method of storage. Once it does goes off you can use it for burley.

Edited by Homeside
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