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What Sounder To Buy?


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I'd like to call upon the collective wisdom and experience of fishraiders.

I want to buy a sounder (and maybe GPS) for my 5.5m boat.

Originally only wanted to spend $400-$500.

I narrowed my options to

* Garmin 400c - Colour 4",320x240pixels,500m max depth,Dual Freq


* Furuno LS4100-monochrome 5",240x320pixels,500m max depth ,Dual freq.


Both are about $480.

I've read good things about Furuno and ,I think Garmin are new to the sounder market.

Basically the difference is 4 inch colour screen versus 5 inch monchrome screen.

What would you go for?

I was then going to buy a handheld GPS plotter ie Garmin GPSMAP76 (about $280) which gives me a GPS/Sounder setup for about $750.

Or I could go for a Humminbird 767x Combo Unit for about $720 (5" monochrome,640x320pixels,460m depth,Dual Freq)


Is a combo unit better than two separate units? I guess with 2 units you have effectively more screen.

Or I could pay an extra approx $400 dollars and get a Lowance HDS5 (about $900 sounder only or $1100 sounder/GPS).Are they worth the extra cash and the extra grief from the :wife: ?

Sounder only




I really like the look of these but they're only new. Has anyone who has one got any complaints?

(I saw in another topic about problems with the resolution of the mapping cards but I don't intend to get any add on mapping cards).

One advantage of these is that I could add side imaging to it at a later date.

So many options , so many questions.

Thanks in advance for any help and I hope this doesn't end up a Ford/Holden type thing.

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Mate thats a huge difference in $'s your talking about there. $400 to $1000.

A that rate you're going to get a thousand different options & more possible responses. My view is set you $ range & really examine what is availble in that range. If you're not happy with whats there see what you need to spend to get what you REALLY want.

No doubt all the units you show have pros & cons & it just comes down to what YOU want & what you can afford. I have a Furuno FCV620 which I'm more than happy with.

Good luck on your search but I think you really have to narrow your options before asking a question like you did.

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You're right , there is a huge range of options in my post.

Basically it was a bit of a fishing expedition to help me decide

1) Garmin 400c versus Furuno ls4100 (ie 4" colour vs 5" mono)


2) Is the Lowrance HDS worth the extra $300 or $400 on top.

And I think I've probably already decided not to look at combo units and get the handheld gps.

I've heard good things about your Furuno 620 but its a little too much for me right now.

Any opinions or suggestions are greatly appreciated .

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I have a garmin 400c they are a great unit and very easy to use i'm very happy with it.

It does the job no problem and colour screen in my opinion is heaps better than black n white.

Also something to keep in mind if u were to buy a combo what happens when something goes wrong and

warranty is finished it will cost you a heap more to replace the same unit compared to buying a fishfinder and gps individually.

Hope that helps i know its hard decision.

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Hi, as mentioned that is a big price gap and all the units are good that you have listed with of course the dearest Lowrance offering the best. Why not look at something like the HB 727 unit and then add the GPS aerail to that to get a fishfinder and GPS in one for under $800. This gets you the most pixels and trust me a mon chrome screen with big pixel count is better than a colour with low pixel count.

PM me if you would like the Raider price on these units,



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I just through this whole problem of which sounder, etc.

In the end everyone has their opinions and all those opinions are correct. As mentioned already the easiest way to go about it is to decide on a price range. Then look at your options.

A separate sounder and GPS unit has advantages but a combined unit has advantages. The only advice I would like to give you is decide on price range than look at what is available.

Best of luck.

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  • 2 months later...

The HDS5 i have for my boat is amazing and i can not think of many other things i have bought in life that have been worth the cash as this Lowrance unit.

Turn it on, away you go.

Find a spot, hit WPT, and your mark is set.

Idiot proof!

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G'day Shaune,

What sounder did you end up buying ?

I looking at the Garmin 400 C. Curious to see what you bought and what you think of it.

I ended up splashing out on a HDS5.(I found some extra funds).(Its the sounder/chartplotter combo).

As a sounder its fantastic. Although I can't say if its better or not than its competitors. I've not tried them.The sounder I had before this was 20 years old so I was always going to be impressed.

I have a few minor issues with some of the features but it may be me not fully reading the manual yet.

Or it may be something that will be fixed in future software upgrades.

Software upgrades and the fact that you can add side scan , fuel flow meters etc if you want are a big plus.

You cant compare it to the Garmin though, as its in a different price range.

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