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Am I Gonna Get Smoked?


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My current Jew flick stick is a Pflueger 7' 2-4kg President Series matched with a Jap made Shimano Twin Power 2500 loaded with 10lb Sunline PE Braid and I usually have a rod length of 15lb FC.

I'm just thinking if a 15+kg jew nails my 7" jerk shad or other big lure, could I get smoked?

I'm curious as I've noticed in other posts, people using much heavier gear. I'd rather stay lighter and have some fun but am I just being stupid? I have caught proper jews off the rocks before with a 12' foot rod and 8500ss with heavy mono and handled them with minimal fuss.

Jews on lures is new to me and I'll cry like a baby if I lose a monster at the side of the boat.

Any thoughts?

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There is every chance you will get smoked on 10lb mate, but its worse if you get bricked!

A decent Jew will usually run 20-50m first run, then swallow the bait or lure, then run again but more powerful 2nd run... will be shorter but they wil go straight for cover and this is where you will either get smoked or you will get bricked!

I would go for a 20 or 30lb fluro leader just to be safe- then there is only 2 weak points (you main line and your knots).

If you stay lighter leader this increases to 3 weak points and will be easier for the fish to get away.

Just be wary that if you drop a big Jew mid-fight the school will move on very quickly as they get spooked very easily.

Hope this helps

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In open water you should be fine though you may have to chase the jew with your boat easy if you have an electric bowmount motor

Leader size may be a bit light if the jew has swallowed the SP and could wear through the leader

Other problem would be the rod being a bit too light to cast the heavier weights try using 4in gulp minnows on 1/4oz or 3/8oz jigheads and you will have a better balance for that outfit

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There is every chance you will get smoked on 10lb mate, but its worse if you get bricked!

A decent Jew will usually run 20-50m first run, then swallow the bait or lure, then run again but more powerful 2nd run... will be shorter but they wil go straight for cover and this is where you will either get smoked or you will get bricked!

I would go for a 20 or 30lb fluro leader just to be safe- then there is only 2 weak points (you main line and your knots).

If you stay lighter leader this increases to 3 weak points and will be easier for the fish to get away.

Just be wary that if you drop a big Jew mid-fight the school will move on very quickly as they get spooked very easily.

Hope this helps

In open water you should be fine though you may have to chase the jew with your boat easy if you have an electric bowmount motor

Leader size may be a bit light if the jew has swallowed the SP and could wear through the leader

Other problem would be the rod being a bit too light to cast the heavier weights try using 4in gulp minnows on 1/4oz or 3/8oz jigheads and you will have a better balance for that outfit

Thanks for your input.

I think I'm up for the challenge, and yes I've got an bow mount so I'll chase it around if needs be..... just gota hope I don't get bricked.

There is no doubt a big lure on my 2-4kg rod is unbalanced but it can be done.

Thanks again

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Your braid probably break well over 10 lb anyway and will land a good sized jew if you have a good drag a cool head and not too many obstructions. You might want to up the trace size a bit to say 20-25lb if you are specifically after jew as their teeth can abrade the line. I have caught a 14lb jew on 6lb line (20lb leader) and a 24lb jew on 10lb line (no leader). They both pretty much tossed in the towel after one big run.

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Your braid probably break well over 10 lb anyway and will land a good sized jew if you have a good drag a cool head and not too many obstructions. You might want to up the trace size a bit to say 20-25lb if you are specifically after jew as their teeth can abrade the line. I have caught a 14lb jew on 6lb line (20lb leader) and a 24lb jew on 10lb line (no leader). They both pretty much tossed in the towel after one big run.

What you have said has a lot of merit, having a cool head and good drag system should allow me to land anything (within reason) It may just take some time to get to the boat!

Going on your description of your tackle then YES BIG TIME, YOUR GONNA GET SMOKED :smoke: ..

I hope you're wrong, 'cause Ill be flinkin 7" lures with the above outfit on Monday.... I shouldn't get too ahead of myself, I've got to hook on first.

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Your not gonna get smoked mate.

Jews 15kg jews wont pull half as hard as a 15kg kingfish. They will pull hard but doesnt take long to run out of steam. They arnt gonna strip 200m plus of line off u thats for sure and when u hook up kick on that leccy full thrust and go after him.

You'll be right mate. I dont go heavier than 15lb braid with 20lb leader. Ive hooked caught 80 or so jew on plastics and am yet to have one swallow my lure. I find with braid and graphite rods, as long as ur on the ball and not on the cans u will strike at the very 1st twitch or even when u see the slack line start to go tort, u barely give them time to figure out what it was before u ripped it right back out and the hooks found its mark, usually on the side or upper jaw, nice and clean.

Trying to flick plastics for hours on end on anything heavier is hard work, is very cumbersome and without that element of finesse you may be used to, just feels very awkward.

Just make sure u have good gear with smooth drag, make sure ur knots are up to scratch and REGULARLY inspect ur line and leader for nicks and abrasions esp after missed hookups, catches of flathead or even a snag.

When in doubt= NEW LEADER.


Thanks for the vote of confidence Musty.

I've only ever caught 3 on lures, 2 tackled the lure front on but one swallowed the 5" jerk shad whole in quite an aggressive way, so leader wear could have been a problem if it had some size and the fight went on for a bit.

I know what you mean, strike on the very first touch (an inspection, perfect timed strike and you're on)

Thanks for the advise!


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Hey mate,

Your be fine, my mate landed a 93cm jew on a 2-4kg with a 1000 size shimano. From memory I think his main line was 6 or 8lb and his leader was 10lb or 12lb. Was one of the best fights i have ever seen.

Finesse fishing all the way!!!

Fingers crossed, I sometimes flick around 5" lures for jews on my 1-3kg bream stick, 6lb mainline 5lb leader. That's just being silly but I think I need to be taught the hard way.


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I've been smoked big time on bream gear :1prop: You will struggle to both cast and work a 7" lure on that rod. I'd be looking at getting a more suitable rod or downsize your lure. Good luck.



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I'd say (as some others) it depends mostly on where you are fishing. Very tough if you are near a point or reef or moorings. You won't be able to do much other than chase the fish.

The trouble with getting smoked by a large jew is that it is just so frustrating. If you are anything other than a guru, it can just take so many hours to hook up to that biggun. To lose it it when you kinda knew you would is much like shooting yourself in the foot in my books. Maybe beef it up to 15lb braid and 20lb leader.

good luck either way

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Hi Mick, I'm with Ray R and would say.... when using light bream gear, and should a really big jewfish take a fancy to your bait - smoked, bricked, spooled or busted, and in most cases, regardless of fish playing skills - .....especially trying to hold that big jew that decides to just take off at full speed against a fully bent rod and a drag that can't be tightened any further......not only if you are fishing out in the open, but say it takes off with the current and gives it the best it's got,...and say for example your potential personal best jewfish decides to head towards the bend say around Juno marker or another big jewfish decides to head for the pylons at the bridges...and before you can even tighten up your drag it's all over....especially if you havent got a big enough reel and a line rating good enough to slow it right down on the spot and hold it there long enough to make it at least change direction........

Using light gear designed for fishing for bream and whiting gear on one hand, and hoping not to lose a personal best jewfish on the other, would run into at least a couple of pages of giiving reasons why not to...

Here's a couple of thoughts for you to consider.....

A good range of larger lures are designed to perform well on heavier jigheads and, the lure market for heavier lines such as fifty pound braid for example, is well catered for...... It's one thing to fish for bream and whiting on gear to suit a nice sporty lightweight rod and casting far enough for floating light baits or using ultra light jigheads when you can, however if you can't slow down the main run of the big jewfish that picks up your bait or your lure and decides to simply swim off, you can be spooled in the twinkling of an eye....

It's a matter of spool size as one example and the cost of buying a high quality small reel to suit jewfish as well is really only looking for another negative, in that the design would only be a compromise when the same company also designs reels and also rods for that matter, specially designed and suitable for fishing for fish like jewfish ...... Using a bream rod to suit light baits for bream and whiting, is not something you would be advised to buy ten of if you were setting up beach rods or boat rods to fish for jewfish for yourself and your friends, that's for sure..... In my opinion there is no in between, a good quality sporty rod on the light side of a jewfish rod on let's say appropriate mulloway gear this time, will give you all the fish playing fun and self satisfaction that you need, rather than risk losing a good size mulloway which after all is the most sort after fish inshore....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I'm with Red and jewgaffer, caught plenty of jew on bream gear up to 90cm, then hooked a "proper" one and got smoked. Now I use a 4-6kg rod, and 3000 reel with 10lb braid and 12-20lb leaders. Sad thing is, I haven't managed to hook another big 'un since. Same thing happened to a mate of mine - believe me, you will be spewing when you hook a big one on that light gear and lose it...

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I'm with Red and jewgaffer, caught plenty of jew on bream gear up to 90cm, then hooked a "proper" one and got smoked. Now I use a 4-6kg rod, and 3000 reel with 10lb braid and 12-20lb leaders. Sad thing is, I haven't managed to hook another big 'un since. Same thing happened to a mate of mine - believe me, you will be spewing when you hook a big one on that light gear and lose it...

He is using 10lb braid, wakd.

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Just my own 2c worth iMick. I don't know squat about luring jewfish but I do have some experience with bigger plastics and to back up what Red said, I think your main consideration should be how to efficiently fish rather than whether or not you'll get smoked.

There's no way that a 2-4kg outfit is what I'd choose for fishing 7" plastics (which I do regularly for Snapper). That rod will be too light for casting them and working them properly... they just weigh too much, even without taking the jig head into consideration. A 4-6kg rod would be better suited and still be able to throw around smaller 5" plastics pretty well. Maybe having 2 outfits is an option for you.

A good 4-6kg outfit like a SicStick, Dropshot, T-Curve, Trion or something, matched with maybe a 2500 or 3000 size reel will still be sweet to fish with all day.

As to whether you get smoked... I'd rather hook fish first and have fun doing it than worry about making sure I can beat all comers. Before I left Sydney I fell into the trap of fishing heavy for Kingies in the hope of the big one... but since moving up here I've rediscovered the joy of fishing light. I'm with you 100% on that score but light just becomes relative to the circumstances.

Good luck with the Jewies.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hey iMick

Suggest you buy a carton of "Winnie Reds".

Your gunna need em :074::biggrin2::074:

In all seriousness, horses for courses.

However if you have not caught many before, suggest you concentrate on learning Tide Time Moon Barometric pressure etc. Keep a Diary. Fish heavier till you you learn the basics and get a few!!

Then the fun, and your test, with light line can begin, but not before.

Remember light line, big fish, inevitable escape means its wondering around out there with a hook in its mouth and trailing a truck load of line with it. Survivability = 0.

I'm a 70/30 C&R person so my opinion is weighted towards this angle, however I am of the opinion that If you can't get the damn thing into the boat/shore to eat the bugger, and it escapes only to die, whats the point on doing it at all.

There are some top specialist jewie fisherman and articles on this site, suggest research a little more and build your momentum from there.

Good luck.


Trapper T

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Off the stones I would say that you would be undergunned but as has been said in open water & in a boat you should be fine.

My best was a 110cm, 11kg jew on 1-3kg struddy softbodz with 3kg fireline & 10lb nitlon leader in a kayak. Took a 3" bass minnow while I was breaming. Didn't lose any drag at all as it just towed the yak around until it was worn out! :biggrin2:

More fun on the light gear anyway I reckon.



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Thanks everyone, some good advise from all.

I have caught heaps of Soapie and School Jews on bait up to about 90cms, but I've always fished heavy.

Only 4 on lures including this junior today.


Fishing light is so much more exciting than heavy gear.

I guess what I was looking to take from this topic is someone to put there hand up and say "I landed a huge jew on 6-10lb bream gear, hell of a fight but managed with minimal fuss"

There is no doubt flickin around with a 1/2 ounce Jighead and a 7" lure on a 2-4kg rod just doesn't feel right, there is just too much weight in the jig head, maybe a 7" unweighted Slug-Go could work, but that's another topic for an other day.

I think what Musty said is very important to note a 15kg Jew doesn't run like a 15kg King (not that I can say from personal experience but it is common knowledge).

I've got 150m of braid plus backing, so it would have to be one serious bruiser Jew to spool me, surely it would run out of steam running against the drag pressure plus the mechanical advantage of the rod. I think getting bricked is more of a concern or having mainline or leader rub up against structure.

Just think about how hard it is to pull up a stubborn stag.... in other words 10lb braid is extremely hard to snap.

I think I need to face the facts and buy a 4-6kg rod and maybe 4000 Twin Power (if they are still made in Japan) or some other decent reel, there is no worse feeling than not being able to stop a monster, it happened to me a Stanwell Park Beach, got a feeling it was a 3-4 metre sting ray, totally unstoppable on my 15lb mono.

One day I'll land a monster..... one day.....


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