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Quick Flick

Michael Hatte

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Rain stopped play late this morning so the tools went back to the shed and out came the flick stick...

Could'nt be arsed getting the boat together so poped down to a stretch of river in Easthills where im going to try nail some Ep's on thursday.

Using tt blades i started to work the shore line, within the first couple of cast the lure got belted by a nice little flattie


Kept on cast for another 30 mins for no result so made my way up to a rocky point..

Change down a size in lure and started to plug away using a very slow plusing retrive the lure come up tight, I called it for a little bream but when i got it a little closer it was an Ep :yahoo: My first ever...

I ended up droping it at my feet lifting it out of the water so sorry no pics but hopefully i can land my first Ep on thursday arvo and put some pics with the report...

Had a couple more cast afterwards for no result but still very excited to get back to that area and fish parts where you can only do so by boat.

Cheers, Michael

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Great Flattie mate :1prop:

I always keep a flicker in my car + a bait rod and jigs now cause you just never know when the bug catches you- and its often at the most inopportune moments (like while you are at working flat-out like a lizard drinking, you just cannot get to the Salty H2O quickly eneough can ya ...)

Thanks goodness for 2 piece sticks and flickers- they make my fishing experiences that much worthwhile

Congrats on the Flattie and am sure that elusive EP will be on the next to come on the deck...

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