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Boys Bag Out

Catchin Jack

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Went out for a few hours last night at Norah Head and got talking to another fisherman who told me the salmon have been around again so we arranged to meet up at 5am this morning for a quick fish.

Well stumbled out of bed at 4am after only 3hrs sleep and headed to the meeting place where a few others were also waiting.

One guy had hooked up on something big on fresh squid and once he busted his back getting it within range of a torch it was a BIG ray, line cut and bye bye ray.

Next thing we here one of the boys getting excited and look out to see the water boiling, never seen it boil so early and so much before. Out went the spinners and BANG we're all on, after round one we went again and same thing and so it went until we all bagged out and were aching with sore arms and backs (must be old age).

Seeing the water boil and explode like the inside of a washing machine was great, if only we'd been able to film it but was still to dark.

Between laughs and recovering from workout we watched the school head out into open water where they were getting smashed up by dolphins or sharks, couldn't get close enough to see but the birds were getting a good feed from it.

Even a pelican tried stealing one of our salmon but the trusty ankle biting dog that is always there and belongs to one of the locals chased him away, if it wasn't for him we would've been short one haha.




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Look at the smiles on those faces, looks like you guys had fun! :biggrin2:

Oh fun we had, between tryin not to cross lines when hooked up and stirring each other up when we lost one or didn't hook up was hilarious, makes it hard bringing in a fish when u laughing so hard you have tears in your eyes.

Always a great morning with the blokes, never a dull moment.



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