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Ramsgate 6/9

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Hey Raiders,

Had a two-hour leave pass, so checked the site and saw Mako's report about Ramsgate so decided to give it a go this afternoon. Started with 3inch gulp shrimp on 1/16th, but the nor easter started to get up so changed to a 8gram MF 40 soft vibe in watermelon green that I bought two-weeks ago. This was my first fish with them - first impressions, they cast like bullets and you can really feel the action through the tip of the rod. I was using a similar action to soft plastics - two flicks and let them drop to the sea floor. Was walking and casting along the sand for about 30 mins when I felt the familiar 'thunk' of a flathead. I was already thinking about a nice dinner when about 10metres from shore it threw the lure. Changed venue and walked to the end of one of the rock breakwalls and second cast in I was on. Much stronger fighter and had to tighten up the drag, got it to just below my feet on the rocks and could see it was a nice trevally. Just about to reach down and pull it in, when a fierce shake of the head saw it free too. So two hooked and no result - though I did enjoy the nice tussle with the trevally and had a positive result from a new lure, so not a bad way to spend a few hours.

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Nice work...

They do catch fish, I used the same lure a month or so back in Malacoota (Vic) and nailed two or three thumping Breambo's all 35cm's plus. One punched himself airbourne which I'd not seen any bream do that before trying to shake the lure. I think I put a fair bit of action into my retrieve as they don't really have the same action as metal blades....two or three hops and then drop from memory.

The lure itself did stand up to the fish after landing the above and having several other hits had minal damage, just a slight tare near the eyelet from memory.

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