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2 Blues And 2 Mako On Mad Mullet


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hey guys and girls, decided to head out on saturday in mad mullet, jose justin arman and myself started out of the cooks river at 6am plans were to have a jig then a bottom bounce then head out wide for a shark fish, conditions were good but we were all tired not having much sleep, started on some marks at the peak for a jig with no results we headed to 12 mile, two leather jackets later stuff this lets go, continued on our way to the next stop and dropped the alvey, not alot of luck but managed 4 or 5 gems, so all us were hungry and wanting lunch decided for the last of our plans and set up a dift, fired up the cooker with some snags and rolls burley out the back we had two baits out wile we were eating and agreed on 15 minute intervals of who was on strike, sweet all was good.

wile we were eating jus picked up jose's rod for a look at the reel to admire his tiagra jokingly jose says hey dont touch mate my strike, all laughfs it goes in the rod holder then bend it goes, jose on strike grabs the rod loaded with 10 and a short wile later up comes a blue shark next to the boat with arman on the trace, where is the tag pole, um my bad i left it at home, arman says just give me the end well i tell ya i could not stop laughfing at him trying to hand tag it, haha if your ever in a knife fight with arman dont worry your safe, away he goes for a perfect release, good work boys high fives all round, the time goes on and back to jose on strike and what do you know another blue turns up, out goes the bait blue takes the bait but just sits there we all look at each other not knowing what to do so arman says i will grab the trace and jag him, sweet gloves on grabs the trace pulls and still nothing, oh well arman pulls him to the boat like on a hand line for another good release,

a short time later here comes mr mako up the trail which we called for 200kg give or take,

ok i never caught one before so im up and i needed to break in the new 37kg outfit, 5 untouched baits later and him still circling the boat on his side looking at us we sacrifice a jem fish bang of he goes,5 jumps later and 3 birds nests on the reel later we were all good with him taking off like a steam train, im in the chair holding on and feeling the burn he decided to go deep and i decided to harness up, as the boys were strapping me up to a harness damn look boys another mako, go justin throw a bait in, jus grabs a rod throws a bait in and bang off he goes in the other direction, double hook yeah boys, after 30 mins of arman hosing me with the deck wash and teasing me with beer (your gone arman) justin lands his up next to the boat for the third release of the day, ok they say first fish andy what you want to do, well i decided on keeping it, no more mucking around and sick of the guys putting shit on me i sent the 80w to sunset and held on hard, finally got him up to the boat with arman on the trace gaffs are in and hes on the side of my boat chewing on my gunnel rubber, tail tied and all good we dicided to get him in the boat, ok boys dig deep , god damn it was heavy to get over the side which ended up with the shark on top followed by me then jus then arman then poor jose on the bottom, ok boys lets go, 5 mins in to out trip back boat troubles , damn it, 5 hours later a water police tow home to the ramp it was 10pm and we were stuffed, all in all it was a good day and i got my first mako

special thanks to the water police who saved our butts and to jus jose and arman for there work tracing and gaffing,

cheers andy




Edited by mad_mullet
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well done andy

how good was the cook up ,thats the way its gota be done from now, although we might have to start packing dinner into the eski as well mate

now as for the deck wash incident,well what can i say ,it wasnt like you where goin to chase me away was it,you where busy getting stretched and you looked hot so nothing like a freshwater hose down to keep you cool and beer you requested went down well, no time for resting ,lol

oh and next time you try and clip on the sea anchor to my outfit on the troll ,there gona be trouble,not that your sea anchor coped that well with 3 separate sharks giving it a touch up,we should put in the burley in it next time



can you gues where the fuel filter is


yep behind the shark


and the boys in blue ,our savours ,top blokes,thanks boys


cheers arman

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the cook up is the goods, what is not the goods is the two squashed up left over uncooked snags i found in the cabin today haha oh well. i have made a special sea anchor for your line next time we have a big day on the trawl, your gone buddy, and thats the first time i have seen you drink a beer so next time no excuse

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the cook up is the goods, what is not the goods is the two squashed up left over uncooked snags i found in the cabin today haha oh well. i have made a special sea anchor for your line next time we have a big day on the trawl, your gone buddy, and thats the first time i have seen you drink a beer so next time no excuse

dont worry andy ,just go to sleep,it will be ok

what there was more snags ........nnnnnnnoooooooooooo

dude you where holding out me

could of been worse you could of found them next week


cheers arman

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thats crazy guys i know people have said it but you really have balls of steel bringing that shark into the boat haha. well done guys great read, what did you do with all that mako shark?



family and friends family are eating shark for the next week, thanks jb

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