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Shimano Twinpower Sw


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Hey guys,

As a few of you know i've been looking at getting a jigging setup for a fair while now, it hasn't been a priority up untill now as im still overseas, but now im making my way back home slowly and i noticed the other day that shimano have decided to list the Twinpower SW on their website. I had previously discounted them as they were only available from japan and i didn't want to pay that kind of money and not have any support if something went wrong but if they are coming to aus then they might be at the top of my list again!!!!

So i guess what im trying to say is does anyone have any info on pricing, release dates and availability???


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ive seen them for sale in aus somewere for like 800bucks they are quite pricy but look dam cool


p.s my shimano spheros is still going strong so why pay heaps?


Trying to go for the buy quality buy once kind of mentality but im not a millionare so stella is to far out of reach but at a stretch the twinpower might get the nod over a saragossa. Still tossing it up though hence the need for price and release dates etc.

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mate i absolutely love the twinpower reels every single one of them especially the japanes version of last years however for a jigging combo my suggestion would be a saragosa theyll do the job and thne bigger models are pulling 20kg of drag

Thanks for the reply,

The 12000 tiwnpower SW also pulls 22kgs of drag and has more bearings than the saragossa so would hopefully prove smoother. its also only 605grams as apposed to the saragosas 805. The only thing im worried about is if i would miss the extra line capacity with the 18000 saragosa and wether the cost when i eventually find it, is worth the extra money.


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yeh the twinpowers max drag is 22 but in practice when tested we tested it closer to 18 ive seen 14000 saragosa test at 21 ive also seen the sragosas stajnnd up to big hoodlums in enzed as well as pull some big gts up north mate tbh i love the twinpowers i have 4 of them and would trust them in any size but id save the $$$ and then pump it into a twinnie else where along the line or if your gonna spend the money on a twinpower look at a saltiga or a stella

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yeh the twinpowers max drag is 22 but in practice when tested we tested it closer to 18 ive seen 14000 saragosa test at 21 ive also seen the sragosas stajnnd up to big hoodlums in enzed as well as pull some big gts up north mate tbh i love the twinpowers i have 4 of them and would trust them in any size but id save the $$$ and then pump it into a twinnie else where along the line or if your gonna spend the money on a twinpower look at a saltiga or a stella

Thanks for the info again mate. might just be making a purchase soon!

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