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Did You Hear Me Scream!


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Well after some words from Stewy last night over the phone.

I set out on a mission today.

To catch my first Jew!!!

Let me say that I have never ever even seen one in the flesh let alone catch one.

Went down as instructed by Stewy and after sounding and flicking for a couple of hours with nothing thought bugger this lets go try using blades. Got a couple of hits but no hook ups.

I noticed a boat had shown up where I was flicking earlier so i peddled over and watched.

Wack !!! his on. Nice Jewie. I couldnt believe it. I ended up going up to them to have a chat.

Turned out to be Musty.

A few tips from Musty and he gave me a couple of his chosen plastics (Thanks Musty) and I was back into flicking.

I am on my own again now and before you know it. WOoooohooooo Im on.!!!!

Sh*t what do i do now!!!

Please dont come off, PLEASE!!!

Had him boat side and i could see he was well hooked so I knew I was going to be ok.

No giant but mission accomplished.

I wanted to pull out my phone and take some photos but thought, No way i might loose him,

I opened my hatch and in he went, that was number 1 for the scoreboard.

A couple more Wooohooos and I was one HAPPY MAN!!!!!!

Musty came back and kindly took some photos for me.

I kept at it for another hour or so but no more.

Me thinks lets go back tomorrow to see if we can do it all over again.

Life is good!!!!!




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Arent they easy to catch Bill :tease: go to the right spot and catch a jew :thumbup:

Cheers Stewy

Hey Stewy, hope you dont mind me asking what spot?

Im about to get my first boat on the water this weekend and would love some spots or gps marks to try.

mainly georges & botany area. would love to catch a jewie!

cheers mate.

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Good on you bill thats a great catch!!!!

Looks like we have another die hard jew fisho in the making.....

Dont be afraid to move around and try new areas mate, use the same lures and technique.

There have been good schools of jews showing up from como bridge all the way to M5 bridge over the last 2 months, deep holes and structure are the key....

They dont stay in one place for to long!!!!!

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Thanks all for the words of encouragement and info.

Love your work

Looks like I found a new drug... I have withdraws already.

Had another go further down the other day with no luck.

Spent the last day of my holidays flicking land based today

Managed a few bream and flatties

Back to the office monday!!!!!

Happy days :mad3::mad3:



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