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Fishing The Bay Tips?


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Hey guys.

Thanks to the raider 'Savage73', 'Joel' and myself will be heading out on our first boat this sunday.

We plan to fish botany and want to target kingfish, however we have a lack on local knowledge.

On our boat we have a livebait tank and a downrigger so i have been stocking up my freezer with perfect sized squids over the last week or two.

What i am wondering is:

*where the best location for us to catch squid or yakkas? gps or map would be extreeemly helpful :biggrin2:

*what is the best way to rig them up?

*where should we downrig them, what speed and what depth? we havnt figgured out how to calibrate our new transducer or how to spot fish on the finder yet. (a link to instructions on how to use a finder would be V. usefull)

*what is the best time on sunday to do this? is being on the water @ 7:00 am ok?

*where is the best ramp to use close to the bay for a beginner?

I realise that I am asking for HEAAAAPS of information but any little hint you can give us would be greatly appreciated and highly usefull. We will be in a yellow and white naughtiglass cuddy cab with an Aussy flag on the bow so if you see us please come over and say Hi.

Oh and thanks to Huett marine for getting our engine going good without suggest non-vital work. we havnt picked it up yet but from our conversations in the past week we have no doubt that you will do a good job.

And before you say it, yes we know.. Dont forget to put the bungs in.

Cheers guys, much thanks.

Dave & Joel.

Oh and i have the navionics iphone app so any gps marks would be great.

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the easiest ramp would probably be kymeegah(cooks river) as kings like structure try along the wall at mol pt, all of the markers in the bay, drums, hot water outlet, fish farm etc etc

yakkas should be easy berley hard with bread/pellets in yarra bay the yakkas and cowanyoung will come to you.

As for what depths to fish it depends on where the fish are. I normally do a trial run past where i want to downrig to get an idea of the water depth there, set 1 of my riggers deep ie 2/3rds down and the other in the top 1/3rd. Downrigging speed is normally just in gear and at idle.

hope this helps

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there has been rat kings around cooks river lately...... just at the entrance where the man made rocks are, bridge and the old mored boats...... would be worth having a quick trolled or flick there on your way out from the boat ramp.

first light would be best so earlier than 7 i say.

yakkas can be caught at moli point....... slow troll along the wall from where the green pole till you come around the point (usual around 159- 155.... you will see the numbers printed on the wall) ...... once you find the bait (heaps of little dots on the sounder, depending on the sounder) drop down a bait jig.

squid can be caught all the way to the end of the wall..... u will see the kelp bed.... yakka's can also be caught there by burlying up heaps.

i've found that where ever you find bait on the sounder down rig the yakka or squid above, below and through the bait until u hook up.

im hoping to try get out on saturday.....

good luck and tight lines

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