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Georges Flatties


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Finally got some good conditions to hit the river for a feed of flatties. Headed out at 7am to fish the run up and the first hour or so of the run out. I decided to avoid my usual haunt as I thought th eboat traffic would have been horendous so armed with plastics and my recently replaced favourite flatty HB - my pink Manns Stretch 5 I found windless conditions!. Started chucking a plastic in about 25 foot of water and bang I'm on felt like a thumper flatty or maybe a jew but the lure was spat after about a minute. Trolled my Manns stretch up river and picked up a nice 54cm flatty, then went right up into a shallow bay and trolled SX40s to pick up a few more smaller flatties (and numerous tailor, small bream and pinkies). Followed the tide out and found a nice little drop off from 7-12 feet and picked up another 50+ flatty back on the larger lures again. Did another pass over the same spot for the same result. Had a final pass and a better fish of 58cm rounded up the catch. Great feed and the first decent one since May! Heading down to St Georges basin tomorrow morning and hope to get amongst some big ones!

Cheers, Rob


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Excellent Georges session, Jenno :thumbup: I need to try out some boat mods very soon and hope to launch at Moorebank with Geoff who done the installation work for me... We will also have a go at getting some mullet around deepwater while we're down there and we'll try and get onto a few flathead on lures and probably only motor down as far as Padstow in the limited time we'll have.... Would you do me a small favour please Rob and send me a pm on what's been happening on the flathead front when there is a low tide down that way around day break, that is apart from the fact that the water level will be rising down that way too :biggrin2: ......


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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