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Jewfish Bait

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hey fishraiders, me and a mate are going out friday night to catch some tailor, which will be used on saturday night off a beach for jewfish bait... i was just wondering what would be the best way to keep them fresh, so we can use them on saturday night either filleted, whole or butterflied thanks in advance for your help..

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hey fishraiders, me and a mate are going out friday night to catch some tailor, which will be used on saturday night off a beach for jewfish bait... i was just wondering what would be the best way to keep them fresh, so we can use them on saturday night either filleted, whole or butterflied thanks in advance for your help..

You dont have a chance to get the bait immediately before going for Jews?

The way i look at it, i try not to give the fish a reason not to take the bait i.e. bait isnt fresh, bait not natural temperature etc.

Take a bit out of your jew fishig time and get some livies or 100% fresh bait.

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hi mate

if you are going to use the tailor the nxt night[within 24hrs],id recomend not freezing the tailor.in my experience with using them for bait is that the flesh tend to get soft & mushy once thawed out,& therefore become hard to fillet without the sharpests of knives.so if your gona use them within 24hrs,i think you should just put them in a bag,[preferably airtight],& put them into the fridge ready to be used sat. without having to freeze & defrost them.they will be much better baits.oh & dont forget that you can cut them in half & use the head & tail sections on double hook rigs.remember,BIG BAITS CATCH BIG FISH!!!!

if you have the time,why dont you try what gorms mentioned?or is it a bit risky for you.might not be able to catch fresh or live bait on the night you go out.then you will have to get bait shop bait that might not tempt the jew your after,although jew have been known to refuse the freshest of baits sometimes & get caught on dodgey refrozen stuff you'd use for burley.

anyways hope this helps & you get your prize.

:beersmile: cheers johnny :thumbup:

p.s. i might be going out on saturday night too,so maybe il see you out & about.

good luck local boy...hehe :yahoo: [im from fairfield too if your wondering about the'local boy' thing]

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i would go out on saturday to get the bait fresh the only problem is the our tailor spot and the beach we want to fish are in total opposite directions and we want to get to the beach before sunset and with work commitments its just abit difficult, thanks guys for the help... where abouts you heading out to on saturday night fisher doi

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i would go out on saturday to get the bait fresh the only problem is the our tailor spot and the beach we want to fish are in total opposite directions and we want to get to the beach before sunset and with work commitments its just abit difficult, thanks guys for the help... where abouts you heading out to on saturday night fisher doi

not quite sure yet,just wana get out there.if my mate doesnt wana go,il probably train it to fish the harbour somewhere[cause i dont drive]

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Your bait will be fine in the fridge, bait presentation is more important.

Hi Archie, I couldn't agree more with the importance of bait presentation and also in having a good selection of bait for the species you are targetting... Taking as much care as possible to present a bait to fool a fussy fish into taking it, is as just as important as chosing the right gear for the species and then carefully rigging up the best tackle required to catch them....

The best baiting method for presenting a natural bait is one which will always allow the bait to flow off the hook naturally......All strip baits are best presented rigged up to be long and streaming and kept as light as possible at the streamer end, so as to be noticed and get early attention, rather than having your baits cube like or presented chunky throughout or perfectly uniform, thus making your bait unable to flow in conditions that would suit fishing with a moving bait or a naturally hanging or a suspended flowing bait perfectly......

Also, to deal with the all important initial inquiry from a fish, it's an absolute must to present your baits at water temperature.... This can be done by placing your start off supply of frozen bait or particularly thawed out or cold baits into your live bait tank as you are leaving the bait ramp and leave them in there, as the bait pump will fill up with water and stay the same temperature of the water where you are fishing...

Otherwise if a natural bait is presented too cold compared to the temperature of the surrounding water, a fussy fish will find the bait unnatural at the all important first notice, and shy off the bait, and more than likely leave it as an olive branch for the scavengers to thrive on and go and look for something else... Scavengers are also part of the food chain and, as a consequence the fish you were hoping to catch might never return to that particular bait.....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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