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Some Sizeable Fish Feeding Off Oysters At My Feet


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Hi guys

I was having a fish at cowan and saw some pretty big mullet looking things feeding off oysters on the rock i was standing on. A few other ones playing around the surface, and some fish that sorta looked triangular

What are they most likely to be?

Is there any way to bait an oyster? :P

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If its at the oysters it most probably bream, i've seen them do it a lot up there. The triangular fish you're talking about, does it have yellow on it and black fins? I think they're called a monodacillis or something like that.


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yeah definitely the oysters, and they seemed like the shape of bull mullet.. bream are usually a bit deeper, these were thinner.

There were some dark looking small fish working around the surface.. I think they're poddy mullet though

Couldnt see much about the triangular fish, didn't catch any of them

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yeah definitely the oysters, and they seemed like the shape of bull mullet.. bream are usually a bit deeper, these were thinner.

There were some dark looking small fish working around the surface.. I think they're poddy mullet though

Couldnt see much about the triangular fish, didn't catch any of them

Try and catch some, and im sure some one on FR will ID it.

Cheers, Zac

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