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Everything posted by hcwang

  1. christ, that is m a s s i v e !
  2. havent been on this forum for long but it is very well deserved, congrats!
  3. hmm interesting where was this winkley?
  4. wondering if anyone had a go this morning? I was predicting a pretty dead morning with such low air pressure. Wondering if i was right
  5. hmm... but after the fish pulls wont the elastic band be left the rod shaft? Or am i imagining it wrong?
  6. ah right. i thought the idea was that the fish can take the bait and swim with it without feeling the weight of your sinker, hence i asked how tight the line should be (which determines how much slack the fish can take with it)
  7. notice a lot of ez-rigs these days. what are their advantages? Over rigs with a running sinker to swivel, then leader for example. Similiar concept? How tight should the line be for rigs with running sinkers?
  8. will this work for any wharf? just that ive never seen it done at ryde wharf before
  9. Hi raiders Is it practical to catch yakkas at meadowbank/ryde wharves? I've seen guys do it further down the parra (near strathfield) but never at ryde. Just the standard bread berley and bait jig will do? Cheers
  10. the air pressure had a drop today.. might hit 1010 tonight? it'll work out great for you if its back on the rise tomorrow morning!
  11. used to fish that place all the time.. nothng that good there imo. I hear it produces LJ and blackies last I heard. Berley up though I think it gets a bit of a flogging since its such a good picnic spot
  12. good advice cheers. I'll throw a line overnight in the harbour one day and see what i can hook up with. I'm betting on trevally and tailor
  13. cheers so are any decent fish active between midnight and sunup?
  14. what a photo! nice. what a photo! nice.
  15. wow great advice! thanks jewie! From what i've read only tailor are really caught at night. Is this true?
  16. great tips, cheers! hopefully they're still there when my exams are done next monday are salmon active much at night?
  17. geez garry those are some serious hours!
  18. ive had guys take fish when i couldn't and it seemed to be be because they were using glowsticks. Definitely bring a few How long are glow beads meant to last for? I charge em up for a while but they really only glow bright for a minute max, then dull down.
  19. cheers i never know when to use them I guess its just constantly working them til something takes a fancy to it hey? My poor arms
  20. if i fish in the harbour then theres usually no wash.. just leave em at home then?
  21. good to hear you're alright!
  22. cheers caranx? do you use them if there isnt any surface activity?
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