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Wollongong 09/11/2009


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Fished the rocks with the :wife: around Wollongong at 5:30PM, sprinkling every so often.

Had two rods out, 1 with a squid jig (still haven't managed to catch one), the other with a 3/0 Hook with pillies.

Started off with an undersized Trevally (20cm), then these fishes started appearing


All pretty small (about 10cm) and all went back, anyone know what it is? Surprised they managed to get the 3/0 hook in their mouths.

Had one big fish which i lost at the bottom of the rocks before i could pull it up. Silver looking :biggrin2:

Started to rain and headed off home.


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actually i've seen them in a livewell from a kingfish dvd. they had squid and yakkas as well so don't know why they kept them as backup?

one way to avoid them is berley one way and cast your bait elsewhere. its worked to an extent. Or put on a huge slab of bait. This will give big fish tim to bully their way through a frezny to take the bait

Edited by hottyscotty
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