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What Are Raiders Doing On The Weekend?

tan the fisherman

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Gday Raiders,

I missed last week - sorry!

But what are the Raiders doing this weekend?

The weather looks good, tides are ok and the fish are out there!!

Me - I'll be staining timber and painting another wall!! Work work work!!

There is a small window for me on Sunday to get out but we'll see how we go.

Good luck Raiders - play hard, play safe!


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Driving a bridal car for a friend on Saturday, and hopefully wetting a line on Sunday. Fishing has been tough for months, with the water temp hovering between 8 and 13 degrees. Finally we have had some hot weather, and the water temp in the lake is rising rapidly! :yahoo: Good luck to everyone this weekend



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Am off tonight with my mate Eddie for a quick session at my local wharf, then Sunday morning will be off the stones chasing kingies with another mate Ben.

Heard some good reports from some rivers so hoping I can nail a Jewie and some flatties tonight, then get my first "legal" kingie Sunday morning before I go home to babysit my son for the afternoon.

Lookin forwards to it for sure :1prop::1fishing1:

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Drifting the georges in search of some whiting and monster flatties, all i seem to be able to catch is big flatties on plastics but im not complaining i have caught 4 in the last 2 sessions all over 50cm and under 70cm, cant wait to crack that 70cm mark.



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I'm heading to Wisemans tomorrow night and staying the whole weekend. If I can get away early enough, I'll fish tomorrow evening, otherwise Saturday & Sunday. I got some pointers from Pete (Tide'n'Knots) that I want to try out. Will try for flathead and hope for a jew. Will give the soft plastics a go but probably cover all bases with some bait as well. The :wife: will come out for a session or two (first time in this boat), so I hope I can get her some fish so I can convince her what a good decision it was to buy the boat!


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