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Elec Trim Gauge Not Working


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G'Day Guys,

Took the boat out for a run today and the dash trim gauge is not working. The background light works, the motor can be trimmed, just the gauge doesnt show any movement.

Any Ideas??

It is a Honda BF50D four stroke.



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Rob Not actually familiar with Honda but on the Yamaha there is a spring loaded arm near the ram that moves up & down as the motor is trimmed


Perhaps the Honda has a similar device as shown in the photo.

These arms sometime break but more common stick in one place. Spraying the arm with lubricant whilst moving it up & down normally frees them up


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Thanks for the replies guys. Checked the little arm and it moved freely. Put some inox on it anyway and still no go. The light on the gauge works, just no movement........... maybe just a dead gauge/needle.

Oh well was hoping it was something easy/could look at myself without having to trundle all the way to the dealership.



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