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Big Kingys?


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Hi Raiders,

Need some advice. Went out on Saturday and managed 8 rat kingys on a squid-like lure whilst trolling. We kept 4 as they were a tad under 70cm which was good.

But under the theory “where there’s small fish there’s big fish” – how do you go about catching the big kingys? (assuming theyre there)

I don’t have a downrigger and my small boat wont allow one – so any advice would be great!

Ive got a red-head popper – should I be giving that a go?



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We often catch similar sized Kingies around the national park and sometimes up to 90cm and also alot of salmon as bycatch. We occasionally get smoked on the same squid and yakka baits as the smaller fish take but haven't landed any BIG kings. We often put out a large live slimy or sometimes live bonito which normally survive the rats and salmon but haven't got a BIG one yet. I know this isn't a success story but thats what we do in hope of the big one. I'm hoping it's just a matter of time. I know on some days my dads mates have caught the larger kings on big poppers when the rats were pinching all the livies but i think that's another right place right time story.

Hope this can help you a little.

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use slightly larger live bait ... maybe try trolling a live yellowtail or slimey hooked though the nose.

Smaller younger kings are prob more wreckless and eager to smash lures but larger wiser ones might prefer their food alive and fresh.

But i spose a bit of luck counts also.

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rats can be a pain in the arse at times

we had 50cm rats smashing 10-20cm yakkas on the weekend

planning on using poppers on thur to try lure the big ones up

if you have a school of rats with some big ones mixed in i think its just luck to get a big one

the little rats will just smash any thing they see

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If you dont have a downrigger you can try the "poorman downrigger"

All you do is slow troll a live bait down deep by adding a large sinker to your main line.

using a flashy jig is best as this acts as a attractant

or if you have no jiggs just some snapper sinkers

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