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Help Getting Fish Arches


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Hi Raiders

I was wondering if anyone can help me with my Fishfinder settings. i have an eagle cuda 300 which is a basic fishfinder and i am unable to get any decent fish arches. Usually get dots or series of lines.

The transducer is mounted correctly according to the manual but i suspect its the settings that are incorrect.

The settings are as below:

Range Depth: Auto

Sensitivity: 90%

Grayline: 60%

Chart Speed: 100%

Fish ID: Off

ASP: Max

Can it be my chart speed is set too high? My boat does max of about 30knts and most of the time im stationary or trolling really slow. I know there are fish underneath when things come up on my sounder but just cant get the arches.

Can anyone help me??

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to get a fish arch like they show you on the box the fish needs to be sitting directly under your transducer and not moving

if the fish is swimming under your boat its only going to be under your transducer for a short peroid of time and you wont get the fish arch shape but only 1/4 arches or 1/2 arches

you might want to go pickup a book on how sounders work it will help you work out how to get the most out of your sounder

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Hi Raiders

I was wondering if anyone can help me with my Fishfinder settings. i have an eagle cuda 300 which is a basic fishfinder and i am unable to get any decent fish arches. Usually get dots or series of lines.

The transducer is mounted correctly according to the manual but i suspect its the settings that are incorrect.

The settings are as below:

Range Depth: Auto

Sensitivity: 90%

Grayline: 60%

Chart Speed: 100%

Fish ID: Off

ASP: Max

Can it be my chart speed is set too high? My boat does max of about 30knts and most of the time im stationary or trolling really slow. I know there are fish underneath when things come up on my sounder but just cant get the arches.

Can anyone help me??

those lines are your fish arches

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Thanks for the tips. Ive read the manual and it says that if chart speed is at max while stationary you will see fish appear as straight lines and will need to turn it down.

I might just keep playing around with it until i get optimal settings

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ive been playing around with my sounder its the samemodel etc.. and from what ive been reading is that most people have the sensitivity too high and it picks up all kinds of dirt etc.. in the water and can even pick up the current.

now i aint no pro but ive been playing around and i seem to have it working better than before and it actually found some decent fish by lowering the sensitivity and speed of the chart as i mainly use the sounder when drifting or going slowly when i find a decent looking spot to fish etc..

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ive been playing around with my sounder its the samemodel etc.. and from what ive been reading is that most people have the sensitivity too high and it picks up all kinds of dirt etc.. in the water and can even pick up the current.

now i aint no pro but ive been playing around and i seem to have it working better than before and it actually found some decent fish by lowering the sensitivity and speed of the chart as i mainly use the sounder when drifting or going slowly when i find a decent looking spot to fish etc..

Im using it in the same situations as you DGF. So what have you set your sensitivity and chart speed to?

mines currently on Sensitivity 90% and Chart 100%

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G'day Dangas,

The settings are important but nowhere near as important as learning how to interpret what you're seeing on your screen. You'll almost never see a perfect fish 'arch' in the same way as they depict them in advertsing.

It comes with experience but you can get a really big help along if you get the book or video by Rick Huckstepp called "Depth Sounder Secrets". It's cheap but incredibly simple and packed with info that will help you get a lot more out of your sounder.

Give Pete at Go Fish a call... They usually seem to have copies.

Cheers, Slinky

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Guest Big-Banana

A fish arch will only occur when a fish swims straight through your transducer from end to end. If this doesn't happen, you'll get a smaller arch which isn't necessarily a smaller fish. Slow your chart speed down if you want better shows.

Personally my Furuno is on 2/1 which is very fast, whilst it doesn't show your fish arches well, it highlights bait schools just like I need to. Run the fastest chart speed your unit will allow.

I'll second Rick Huckstepps DVD, very good piece of information if you're not too cluey on the electronics side of fishing. I disagree with some of what he says, but it's a good start. The rest you'll figure out yourself.

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