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Anchor Question

Little Hooker

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Hello raiders,

I experienced something horrible on the water while fishing on saturday. My $200 anchor almost got lost to the sea bed jus off little bay. Lucky i had a mate on my boat who helped me resue it.

Ive read somewhere on this forum, when you use a reef anchor your not meant to have a chain on it. Can someone comfirm that??? Im guessin that could be true as my freind that dove down said that the chain was stuck around and rock plus the anchor was was wedge in one too.


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G'day LH

You still need to use chain if you want your anchor to stay stuck. half a boat length is usually fine.

I think your problem is your letting the rope go as the anchor is deployed.

If you slowly let it out the weight of the anchor and chain will keep it all straight and shouldnt get tangled on rocks. If you throw it over and not slow the rope down, when the anchor hits the bottom all the chain and rope can either tangle on the reef pick or tangle around anything else.

This makes a big difference on sand anchors to!


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I now only use a small length of chain(1 mtr) and small reef anchor in that sort of bottom for the

same reason. IT looks like its too small to hold but it does.WE let out plenty of rope to take the strain.

I also slowly lower the anchor.IT is a lot easier with two people.

UP until now have not had anchor slip but be aware this can happen.

TRY to carry a couple of different size anchors.

YOU are not on your own with this problem.I have even used a brake disk in that type of bottom with thin

rope that will easily snap if jammed.

Again always be alert when fishing in close.Before you decide to anchor watch the swell and then decide

where you will fish.

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GregL My boat uses a winch that has a free fall mode and currently using 4mtrs of chain hence why it probably gets stuck down there. I will keep that in mind next time in that situtatioin. Goin to need a mate to help me press the button while i control the deploy of the rope

BB18 Thanks for your insight, im goin to try 1mtr of chain next time and see how it holds up. I have a decent size achor reef at home so im jus goin to bring that along i dont think i can fit to many achors on my boat as its always full of gear.

cheers guys

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