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Cracker Session For The Last Day Of The Year


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Well..I'm convinced!! The barometer is the ONLY thing I will

rely on from now on.

Hit the lake this morning at half six and the bar. was 1020.

The last 2 sessions this week have both been fishless and the bar. was well under the 1020 mark.

Anyway..with the barometer @ 1020 (fish-a-plenty) I met a mate of mine for a session using live poddies again..One problem though..no bloody poddies anywhere on the flats for the last week...bugger!

Mike luckily had his nipper pump in the car, so we collected enough in short order and launched them unweighted into the weedbeds and sandy patches..SMASH! CRASH! SPLASH! .they went ballistic!

For me, 2 just legal bream off the bat, then 2 flatties which inhaled the nipper and hook.

Mike hooked a pinkie and 2 bream.

Then on to the flats to see if the whiting wanted to play and they didn't disappoint either.

Five in a row..mostly small ones with the occasional goodun.

Ran out of nippers pretty quick, so back to pumping for a few more...more whiting and lots of bream on the flats and gave it away at 0930 , still biting their heads off.

Drizzly rain was constant, but no dramas.

Score in the end..


2 flatties

7 bream

6 whiting


1 pinkie

5 bream

3 whiting.

All fish released..hence no pics as we were out wading and my camera aint waterproof.

What a cracker way to end the year!! :thumbup:

Happy New Year to all Raiders. :yahoo:

Edited by MallacootaPete
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Excellent result Mallacoota Pete :thumbup: It looks like the updates for Narrabeen are giving you more incentive to go out fishing.... Keep up the good work Peter and I wish you all the best for 2010 and especially whenever you get the urge to go out and fish in the lake ....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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was It windy there this morning?

ENE at 7 knots at 7am, so not at all windy Nathan..just enough to ripple the surface.

It looks like the updates for Narrabeen are giving you more incentive to go out fishing.... Keep up the good work Peter and I wish you all the best for 2010 and especially whenever you get the ur

Yes Byron...that weather site you hooked me up to is perfect for Narra.

Happy New Year to you too and all Raiders. :beersmile: .



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That sounds like a terrific session Pete!

Well done mate. :thumbup:

The moon phase was also very good. When you line up a rising barometer & a good moon phase it all comes together sometimes!

No coincidence that when the big tide lined up with a rising moon & barometer the fish were feeding. :biggrin2:

Keep the up to date info coming please mate!



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