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North Harbour Lb - 02/01/2010


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I went down to a trusty spot at North Harbour to take advantage of the huge tide this morning. Great decision...it was lively and very quiet with no one around.

I went to start to rig up and "DOH!" I realised I'd forgot my soft plastics! Around the same time a bloke who lives in one of the old boat sheds woke up and we started having a chat. He asked me what I was using for bait, so I told him how I forgot my soft plastics but I'd grabbed a bag of servo prawns on the way, and he kindly offered me a lovely salted Bonito fillet he had in the freezer! Next time I go back I'm going to take him a few beers as thanks.

I sliced up nice thin lengths of Bonito and rigged up with a small running sinker and 1/0 suicide on my little rod (6lb line) and got bites first cast but missed the fish. Second cast I got a nice little Flathead about keeper size but pretty skinny so I threw him back.

Got a squire after that and started thinking "oh well no keeper fish today just a relaxing fish" when bang something hit hard, and off it went against the drag! After a few minutes I spotted the fish and it was a nice Bream but he was giving me hell trying to get him in. The rocks I'd normally stand on were covered in water due to the enormous tide, so I had to maneuver him in and grab a hold of him and luckily I got him first grab. 34mc Bream into the bucket.


The Bonito was working a treat for bait much better than prawns would have...and maybe soft plastics. Next up I got a little Flounder that went back after a photo. Ray has got me addicted to taking photos of fish...I tried to get some of him in the water after I let him go but the photos didn't work.


Next bait I got a little hit and swim and let the fish have a bit of line then struck...nice 46cm Flathead.


As the tide peaked the fun slowed down then stopped and I thought I may as well pack up and be happy with what I had. I persevered for a bit longer with a few more baits, changing to fresh bait when the baits were getting a bit ratty. Just as I was thinking of reeling in and packing it in I got a few more little nibbles and then nothing. Left the bait for a bit then started reeling in and felt a bit of a weight...then realised it was another fish. As it got closer I could see a nice Flounder through the sunnies and thought "YUM!". Got him in and decided to pack it in...33cm Flounder.



A great little morning for me as I really do not fish much anymore due to work and other commitments. Can't wait to go again tomorrow morning I love the holidays. Sorry to ramble on about a few bread and butter fish.


Edited by werris
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Happy New Year Werris. Ramble on as much as you like after an excellent morning on the water. May be bread and butter fish but you certainly got a great feed from some of the best fish in the ocean. Hope your next trip is as much fun.

All the best;


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Hi Howard Happy New Year,

Very lucky morning for me, especially getting the Bonito fillet after forgetting the soft plastics. Hope to repeat it tomorrow.

The Flathead didn't last long...Mum knocked it up for herself Boulibase style.



Edited by werris
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