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Mate Brought Bannana On Board!


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Got up VERY early! Met mate at Mooney Mooney ramp at 5.30am and launched soon after. Went up to pumpkin point creek to play with new structure scan and it is awesome. Finally had a good look at the bloody great big stump that has been stealing my lures..............

Spent the time trolling on the electric for one small flatty. Decided to up gear and head down to mooney mooney creek. Again trolled on electric for a few baby flatty's and bream, the smallest being 5cm! :1prop:

Mate decides to break out morning tea, cake and bannana's! :mad3: I almost dropped my rod when he pulled them out of the bag.

I said what the hell are you doing bringing bannana's on board??? His was reply was that he was going to be hungry............... oh well there go's the rest of the day! :wacko:

Not long after he hooked up on a nice 25cm bream which went back into the briny. I then hooked up a 34cm flatty.

Hen then hooked a 36cm bream, what a monster!, Awesome fight and took a while to land on light gear. I hooked up a 49cm flatty which was dinner, and mate then landed a 52cm flatty!

As I placed the net under my flatty, the lure seperated from the leader! VERY LUCKY!

We then had to head back to the ramp about 10.30 as we both had things to do this afternoon, just as the fish were coming on the bite :thumbdown:

There you go the bannana didnt cause any problems! All fish were caught on small hard body's.

Unfortunately no pictures as I didnt take the camera, sorry.

Hope you all had a great day, next time search your offsider for contraband bannana's, I could only picture how great the fishing would have been if he hadn't brought them onboard.




The Lowrance structure scan is awesome, even on a 7" screen. Can see holes or depressions, trees including individual branches, rocks and fish/bait schools. As the 7" only has a single card slot, which was being used by my navionics card, I was not able to get any screen shots :(

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Bananas are not unlucky for fishing rather they are unlucky for the boat. The fist tome i went to Cairns and on a charter i noticed signs al over the boat "NO BANANAS ALLOWED ON BOARD". i asked the captain why they were not permitted onboard an this is what he told me.

Back in the day before large boats the islanders used to trade their goods via canoes,

which wasent a problem till they started trading bananas. the problem here is they would overload the canoes

with bananas. once the weather turned the canoes would sink and most of the trader lost their

lives. this is why it is bad luck to take a banana on board a fishing vessel.

after hearing this explanation i asked a few others and the response was the same.

Makes sense

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Bananas give off a gas that ripens other fruit. I have heard that the real reason bananas were deemed unlucky on boats was because when they were, all the fruit and veges went off and the crew got sick. Lots of myths but this one is the most plausible to me.


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Hi Rob, most of the writings on bananas being bad luck is to do with the boat, not to do with catching fish. It stems back to the 1700's when cases of bananas were taken on board & contained deadly spiders & snakes.

The deaths caused by these made the captains ban bananas and so the supersition began.

Regards Jeff

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What you don't realise, Rob, is that the 36cm Bream beat a 42cm Bream to your lure... the 52cm flattie was lying only 2m away from an 85cm Flattie and that your lure was rejected at one point by a nearly suicidal 1m Kingie.

If only you hadn't had bananas on board :(

Oh well, nice by-catch and an entertaining report :biggrin2:

Cheers, Slinky

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i dont believe that banana business, my mate Greg was eating bananas on a charter we used to take about ten years ago and we used to clean up, they make you seasick more than anything,although the instuctor i did my boat licence with asked everyone in the class if they have any bananas for lunch to throw them or eat them before we go out on the boat and he drives tugboats in the harbour :1fishing1:

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Personaly I think it was designed with the 8" and 10" screens in mind as they have a higher resolution

in saying that the picture on my HDS 7 is still very good and surprising how much detail it shows.

I could clearly see rocks, trees etc. Baitfish schools are more defined.

I paid $875 for it and it took a couple of hours to install as I had to drill through the transom!

Is it worth it? Still need to use it to find more fish! A lot of money for something that MAY helpto find fish.

It is a lot better picture than the normal sonar image and easier to "read" mine maintains bottom lock at max speed!

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Personaly I think it was designed with the 8" and 10" screens in mind as they have a higher resolution

in saying that the picture on my HDS 7 is still very good and surprising how much detail it shows.

I could clearly see rocks, trees etc. Baitfish schools are more defined.

I paid $875 for it and it took a couple of hours to install as I had to drill through the transom!

Is it worth it? Still need to use it to find more fish! A lot of money for something that MAY helpto find fish.

It is a lot better picture than the normal sonar image and easier to "read" mine maintains bottom lock at max speed!

hmmm nearly a grand n drillin holes in my transom?

i think id use it more for finding jewholes, ect,

my hds5 maintained bottom locked at 65kmh, which is flat oout in me old haynes, haha

th sounder n riggers worth as much as th boat..

where did yu pick it up from mate,

i think ill have a play with someones b4 forkin out a grand,

thanks mate.


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Well I'm a big believer in Bananas being bad luck, a slow day on the kings the other day and I managed to hook a solitary hoody, could have gone 100cm, all was going well with the fight managed to get it off the bottom, so was in the clear and then ping. Then my mate offers me a banana.... I thought he was kidding until he started to peel one. I won't even have them in sight in the fruit bowl or have a banana smoothy the night before. I am one step away from banning them from my house!

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