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Bream In Lane Cove Tonight


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Went fishin with my Mrs old man tonight in Lane Cove River

He's a handline only fisho so I only took 2 small rods (my bream Rod and my new okuma Graphite with Shakespeare Agility 2000 with 8lb braid).

I also has small handline with 12lb on it and a size 4 long shank

I took the beach and he went around the bend further.

First cast got a good strike on the Okuma- and a small run, then in came a little but legal Bream.

After trying to dehook him with no success I decided to keep him as he had fully swallowed a 1/8 jib head that I put a strip of mullet on.

The water was alive with activity, and not mullet or bait jumping, but lots of swirling and fin activity in the light

Next cast produced a better fish, he took 3 lively but powerful runs then i set the hook, he darted left, then tried to come straight towards me, then back in towards the structure.

Got him on the sand and fine 32cm Breambo was flashing in front of me


Rebaited and next cast- you guessed it! ...

It got SLAMMED real hard the rod jumped off the wharf I was using as a holder and almost fell in the drink!

This one was a bit of a pushover he came on the sand pretty quickly.

He was just bigger then the last one going 33cm.

Action was slowing down now but I still managed to get a honker of a fish that went 39 on the nose! -

he took a sibiki rig with a little strip of squid tentacle and we went BERKO!

Running all over the place, he took a bit of drag too in real short but sustained bursts.

Up until now my bream rod with live poddy wasnt touched.

I finally got the run I was waiting for on the poddy, and it turned out to be the same brother of the other 2, this one went 33cm also.

It was the top of the tide (11:30) by the time I landed the last one and the Father In Law had only 1 run on his famous mullet gut, lol

We decided to clean the fish and come home.

Great night tops off a week where I nailed my new PB Kingie with a set of good Bream from a very local spot on the LCR.

Will post up piccies tomorrow.

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they are just bait jigs

but fish dont no they are just for bait so they also take them

ive seen kings caught on baig jigs

they are perfect for fishing off piers with a few glow beads on them 5x hook one's are small enough to cast with a few small baits on them they seems to do the trick i reckon the hawk live bait jigs are unbreakable ive caught rat kings 50-60cm with 9lb main line and 50cm trevallys hundreds of bream never had one snap awome rig for $2.50

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