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Finally Perseverence Pays Off! What A Great Week!


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Hey guys, my first post on this website but i had been surfing the website for a while before i became a member, and may i just say..... awesome SITE!! :thumbup:

This is just a report of my last weeks fishing with the family. I'm sorry it's a bit late just had some problems with the photos.

It all started off at CG on tuesday (landbased) as i was itching for a fish and my dad was too busy to take us out. We got there at about 5pm as they were having a jamboree there and we couldn't fish on the wharf till 6pm, so we fished on the rocks for a while. I fished SP's and my brother was squidding. Basically a pretty frustrating hour as it was pretty snaggy and i lost a couple of sp's but my brother was able to catch a mini cuttle which was put back in the drink.

Finally we were able to have a go on the wharf, i fished sp's for a while until i disovered that the lure stealing tailor were everywhere! But it wasn't long until my brother raised a perfect bait-sized inker. I quickly set up the live bait rig on my baitcaster setup on 15lb mono (unfortunately the heaviest combo we had). I hooked the squid on and chucked it out. Stupidly i left it un attended while i went squidding with my brother. In minutes a nice gentlemen fishing next to where my rod was calls me over sayhing i had a fish on! but by the time i got there i had some ground to make as it had taken quite some line before i got the chance to tighten the drag and when i grabbed the rod i could feel him rubbing me against the rocks, i tried my best to turn his head but he was on a mission. Then the dreaded noise.... PING! :ranting2::1badmood:

Anyway, kept squidding for a while and it wasn't too long until my brother managed to get a nice arrow squid. I had to back at him, so i had a nice cast right next to the enclosure net and then i came up tight to a very nice squid and as it came up i was very surprised at the size of it especially for CG! But we had trouble as my leader was light and we didnt know how to get it in! Luckily the nice fishermen next to us chucked his bucket down which was tied to a rope and very skillfluly managed to pull it up. It was a biggun coming in at a 19cm hood and 56cm form tip to the bottom tentacle, a new PB for me which was good! :thumbup:

It went quite from there with only raising one more inker which managed to be the smallest squid i have ever seen! and two little cuttles

The next day my dad managed to chuck a sickie (shhh) to take me and my mates out as i wouldn't stop nagging him . We had the left over heads of the squid we caught the other night for bait and the plan was to find me my first king. We launched at Tunks at about 12pm and as we were coming out a couple of nice guys on a tinny told us there was a massive school of pelagics of some sort smashing bait on the surface all over MH. As we got there, everyone on the boat were going nuts trying to tie on meatl slugs and slices. Finally i managed to get mine on and chucked it out and literally within seconds i was on! The result.... Tailor! We kept chasing them for about an hour boating 8 and losing about 10 as it was hard to keep them from shaking the hooks. It was good as my mates had a ball catching a bunch of tailor and they couldn't stop thanking me.

But the surface action died down a bit and we started trolling to try and bring them up. Then my dad points out a massive flock of birds going nuts near the castlecrag marina, we raced over there to find tailor. But then they went away quite quickly which left us a bit puzzled. Then my mate screams out "FISH!" while he was pointing at the water beneath us. I had a look down and there were literally hundreds of kings right underneath us! Everyone chucked their slices out to try and entice them but they would only sniff them and swim away. I quickly take my metal slice of and tie on an unweighted double hook rig and chuck on my squid head from yesterday i deploy it and wait... and then BAM! I'M ON! I heard that Kingy's pull hard but i tell you what... my arm's STILL ache! It pulled of alot of drag on my 20lb boat combo but i managed to turn his head for a bit. After alot of pumping and winding and some big runs i manage to get him to the surface. From the moment i saw him, i was in AWE! What an awesome FISH! :yahoo:

I was so stoked as i had just pulled in my first ever kingy! and on the lie detector it came in at a respectable 67cm. He was too beautiful and we had enough tailor so we chucked him back.

For the rest of the day we managed to hook a couple more but failed to boat them due to poorly tied knots (DAD!). :ranting2:

My mates had a great day and they ended up taking 4 Tailor home so it kept their parents happy!

I smile everytime i see the photo :biggrin2:

Tight Lines...



and some squid pics....



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Thanks alot!

one more:

nice work mate and welcome

your game throwing a keeper kingie back to stick with the taylor

i much prefer a kingie on my plate to a taylor

im sure there will be alot more kings in your future


yeah, but i just couldn't come to kill that thing and boy did it feel good to see it swim away. besides we caught the tailor before the king so we were gonnaq eat the tailor anyway and in my books they are just great when smoked! :thumbup:


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:1welcomeani: Good first report mate. I think tailor taste better than kings if they are bled straight away & eaten the same day as capture. Top one on putting a legal but not required fish back. Obviously your Dad has given you the right advice over your fishing tution. :thumbup:

Regards Jeff

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